
Imprinted concrete: what it is, advantages, molds, colors and price

The popularity of stamped concrete is not a coincidence. Its countless advantages make this decorative coating one of the most used to commit all kinds of works. A building material that is the result of the combination of different elements: binder, aggregates, water and some additives.

The result of their mix results in imprinted concrete pavements and vertical walls that stand out for their great hardness and resistance, but also for their showiness. A most attractive aesthetic that is given thanks to the wide range of designs offered by the imprinted concrete molds that are stamped on the surface to be renewed.

¿Qué es el concreto estampado?

The imprinted concrete is a decorative technique that consists of stamping molds on the surface of fresh concrete that perfectly mimic all types of materials. The drawings, textures and colors that can be obtained are endless.

El concreto estampado, como también se le denomina al concreto impreso, es un pavimento continuo de bajo relieve y con la superficie pigmentada capaz de simular las piezas y texturas más variadas: adoquines, ladrillo, piedra, pizarra, baldosas e incluso madera, entre otros.

A construction material that is especially used in the field of paving sidewalks, terraces, parks, gardens, garages, shopping centers, entrances to residential homes or around pools. Hence it is known as imprinted pavement, as this decorative technique is mainly used on horizontal surfaces.

La versatilidad que permite este pavimento continuo decorativo y su durabilidad, son algunas de las claves de su éxito. Un concreto estampado que se aplica tanto en superficies interiores como en superficies exteriores. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que también se pueden estampar moldes sobre paramentos verticales. Esta otra técnica recibe el nombre de concreto estampado vertical.

Ventajas del concreto estampado

The imprinted concrete has no limits in terms of shapes and colors. A customization in the design that not all materials can boast. Also, thanks to its ability to imitate parquet, stone, brick or wood, among others, unique projects can be created.

To these advantages of the imprinted concrete floor, we must add its malleability, resistance and durability. That's why it has such varied application fields. Garages, terraces, shopping centers, homes and many other surfaces. Facades, walls and imprinted concrete floors that do not require special cleaning and maintenance.

Durabilidad y resistencia

El concreto estampado es uno de los pavimentos más duraderos que existen gracias a su alta resistencia al tráfico. De ahí que se apueste tanto por este material para recubrir calles, parques, garajes o entradas a zonas residenciales. También es un revestimiento decorativo que resiste los cambios continuos de temperatura y los rayos UV. Se adapta a las diferentes condiciones climáticas, incluso a las heladas. Si se lleva a cabo una correcta aplicación y un uso adecuado, un suelo de concreto estampado puede llegar a durar más de 20 años.

Gray imprinted concrete on housing pavement
imprinted concrete on terrace floor

Wide variety of finishes

El concreto estampado es altamente personalizable. Ofrece una multitud de acabados, formas y texturas dependiendo de los moldes de concreto estampado utilizados. Pero también de los pigmentos elegidos para dar color al molde en cuestión. Existe la posibilidad de combinar varios pigmentos para obtener resultados finales aún más espectaculares. Una versatilidad gracias a la cual se utiliza como pavimento pero también como revestimiento de paredes y fachadas.

Rápida ejecución

The installation of imprinted concrete is quick and simple. As it is a continuous mortar, execution times are reduced compared to other market alternatives. The most complex geometric shapes will require a longer period.

Operario allanando suelo de concreto
Worker cleaning imprinted concrete pavement

Bajo mantenimiento

Preserving the optimal condition of imprinted concrete is not as demanding as other materials. It is enough to wash the surface from time to time to avoid the accumulation of dirt. And renew the layer of varnish every 2 or 3 years, especially on pavements that suffer quite a bit of wear from vehicle traffic.

Beneficios del concreto estampado


Acabados personalizados

The molds of imprinted concrete offer infinite combinations and textures.


Resistencia a ciclos de frío-calor

Los cambios de temperatura extremos no afectan al concreto estampado.


Waterproof and non-slip

With the use of specific molds and varnishes, stamped concrete guarantees a waterproof and non-slip finish.


No decolora

The colors of imprinted concrete are composed of inorganic pigments resistant to sunlight. That's why, over time they will not degrade or discolor.



The imprinted concrete fits perfectly to all terrains, even those that present irregularities or varied shapes.


Evita el crecimiento de la hierba mala

El concreto estampado, al formar un pavimento estilo losa y no tener juntas y espacios, impide el crecimiento de la maleza.


Versatility in interiors and exteriors

It can be used in many ways indoors and outdoors. Both as a paving system and as a cladding for walls and facades.


Long service life

The imprinted concrete floor has greater resistance and durability than many other materials.

Especialistas en concreto estampado

Transforming spaces with Topciment's imprinted concrete is an art form.

Con nuestros más de 150 moldes de concreto estampado lograrás creaciones únicas.

We offer high added value decorative solutions.

Pavimentos impresos y paredes capaces de imitar la madera, la pizarra, la piedra natural o el ladrillo. Las superficies adquieren otra dimensión.

As specialists in stamped concrete, we respond to the needs of the sector. We manufacture quality products for both executing works from scratch and for renewing and/or repairing pre-existing ones.

Una amplia oferta de productos para concreto estampado que incluye morteros, barnices, pigmentos, desactivantes o limpiadores, entre otros. Te ayudamos a hacer realidad tus proyectos. Pide asesoría sin compromiso.

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Moldes para concreto estampado

The molds are a basic element to carry out this decorative technique. Their stamping on pavements and vertical coatings is what allows obtaining the most varied textures and drawings.

The decorative solutions offered by our more than 150 molds of imprinted concrete are unlimited. A range of fans, cobblestone molds, tile molds, driveway molds, brick molds, slab molds or stone molds.

Moldes de concreto estampado en constante creación para ofrecer patrones y diseños cada vez más creativos si cabe. Lograr acabados como la piedra irregular, los adoquines clásicos e incluso la madera no puede ser más fácil que con IMACEM.

Conócelos a todos y deja volar tu imaginación.

Ver moldes
abanico austria
adoquin belga
ladrillo cesteria
piedra galicia
circular penalisa
vertical bolonia

Colores del concreto estampado

El concreto estampado es un revestimiento continuo en el que se pueden combinar todos los colores existentes y por existir. Desde colores neutros como el blanco, el negro, gris o beige, hasta tonalidades más intensas y atrevidas como el rojo, verde o azul.

To color the imprinted concrete, inorganic pigments are used, because they are resistant to alkalis, solar radiation and weather. Climatic factors to which this construction material is exposed. That's why it's so important to have quality colors that avoid unpleasant surprises like the discoloration over time of the pavement or facade.

At Topciment we have created four different lines of imprinted concrete colors. Pigments that give color to the mortar transforming its appearance and that can be used without worries outdoors. Arcocem, which is the name of our family of pigmented pastes, are very resistant to the effects of sunlight as well as cleaning products.

Con nuestros tintes podrás teñir el concreto estampado con total seguridad. Blanco, gris, plata, negro, café, azul, verde o rojo son solo algunos de los muchos colores de concreto estampado que podemos ofrecerte. Asimismo, muchos de nuestros productos presentan su propia gama de colores.

See colors

Renueva múltiples espacios con concreto estampado

The imprinted concrete is an alternative to more traditional architectural materials. We refer to wood, terrazzo, ceramics. A decorative technique that makes a more economical choice to carry out and also to maintain over time.

A coating that allows playing with relief and stamping and that is more suitable for placement in outdoor areas, especially in floors of public areas. Depending on the application method and the practice to be given, there are four types of stamped concrete.

Pisos de concreto estampado en exteriores: calles, banquetas, parques, terrazas, jardines, patios, centros comerciales, estacionamientos, entradas a zonas residenciales, etc.

Pisos de concreto estampado en interiores: aunque son menos comunes, en los últimos años su uso ha aumentado en casas, polideportivos, restaurantes, hoteles y locales comerciales.

Concreto estampado en piscinas: la resistencia a la humedad del concreto estampado, su carácter antideslizante y un toque decorativo único lo convierten en uno de los materiales más recomendados para recubrir el entorno de la piscina. Por ello el concreto estampado en piscinas es tan popular.

Concreto estampado vertical: lo encontramos en fachadas, muros y paredes de casas residenciales y edificios patrimoniales como museos. El contraste estético del concreto estampado vertical es espectacular. Su proceso de ejecución se diferencia un poco del sistema de pavimentación.


Create dream spaces with imprinted pavements. Bet on this decorative technique and innovate in common areas and residential houses. Renew parks, gardens, squares, terraces, shopping centers, parking lots and much more.
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¿Quién dijo que el concreto estampado es solo para pisos? Reforma paramentos verticales de viviendas privadas y negocios, fachadas e incluso edificios históricos como museos. Logra acabados finales de lo más singulares con el concreto estampado vertical.
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Pocas soluciones decorativas son tan sobresalientes para renovar la playa de la piscina como el concreto estampado. No solo por la gran variedad de diseños y texturas disponibles, sino por la posibilidad de acabados impermeables y antideslizantes que el concreto impreso para piscinas ofrece.
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Proceso de aplicación de concreto estampado

How to apply imprinted concrete

1. Preparar la superficie

2. Verter el concreto

3. Alisar, nivelar y fratasar

4. Esparcir el endurecedor de color

5. Alisar

6. Aplicar el desmoldante

7. Imprimar el molde impreso

8. Remover el desmoldante

9. Limpiar la superficie

10. Aplicar el barniz


Preguntas frecuentes sobre concreto estampado

In addition to being a very aesthetic construction material, stamped concrete stands out for its versatility.

El concreto estampado se aplica principalmente en pisos. Algunos de los pavimentos estampados más comunes los encontramos en calles, banquetas, centros comerciales, parques, plazas, jardines, estacionamientos al aire libre, patios o entradas a zonas residenciales.

But there are also imprinted concrete floors inside large warehouses and surfaces such as sports centers, commercial premises or restaurants. Not to mention the imprinted concrete for swimming pools, one of the most recurring types of application of stamped concrete.

Although it is not so well known, this decorative solution can also be applied to facades, walls and interior and exterior walls. This is what is commonly called vertical imprinted concrete.

La aplicación del concreto estampado varía dependiendo de la superficie a revestir. La aplicación del pavimento estampado, tanto interior como exterior, se realiza de una manera determinada; mientras que la aplicación del concreto estampado vertical se ejecuta de otra distinta. Enesta página te explicamos el paso a paso de cada una de ellas.

The application of imprinted concrete varies depending on the surface to be coated. The application of imprinted pavement, both interior and exterior, is carried out in a certain way; while the application of vertical imprinted concrete is executed in a different way. On this page we explain the step by step of each one of them.

No es coincidencia que cada vez más personas opten por el concreto estampado en piscinas por su condición de antideslizante. Una de las opciones más recomendables para cubrir tanto el borde de la piscina como los alrededores y evitar caídas. Siempre y cuando se use, eso sí, un barniz que le proporcione este acabado.

Additionally, it's more visually appealing since the imprinted pavement is capable of imitating stone or wood, among other noble materials.

Waterproofing is one of the particularities of imprinted concrete pavements, so it can be applied in areas exposed to rain as it does not let water pass, thus avoiding leaks and related problems. A quality for which imprinted concrete pools are on the rise. However, it is very important to apply a varnish that gives it this property.

El precio del concreto estampado depende de múltiples factores. Desde la calidad de los materiales empleados o los moldes de concreto estampado, hasta los colores elegidos, la mano de obra y la complejidad de la obra a realizar. Pero también de las texturas y acabados finales. De esta manera, el precio por metro cuadrado del concreto estampado varía mucho en función de estos elementos. De manera aproximada, en España el costo por m2 se encuentra entre los 40 y 100 euros.

La resistencia y la durabilidad son dos características que comparten el concreto estampado y el concreto pulido. Ambos son pavimentos ideales para las superficies de alto tráfico por su gran resistencia e inalterables a los cambios de temperatura extremos. Depende del uso, la superficie que se vaya a recubrir y las necesidades particulares de cada persona, es más recomendable utilizar un tipo de concreto u otro. Estas son las principales diferencias entre el pavimento estampado y el pavimento pulido:

  1. In the print, molds are used to stamp different drawings and textures on the surface, so the shapes that have been applied with these molds are found in the surface layer of the stamped concrete. On the contrary, the surface layer of polished concrete is completely smooth and continuous since molds are not used.
  2. El grosor que presenta la capa de concreto pulido es ligeramente superior al del concreto estampado.
  3. El concreto pulido es un material con una gran demanda para las superficies interiores, sobre todo en viviendas particulares. En cambio, encontramos pavimentos de concreto estampado tanto en exteriores como interiores e incluso concreto estampado vertical en paredes, fachadas o muros.
  4. Las técnicas de acabados son totalmente diferentes. Mientras que el pavimento impreso tiene un acabado con relieve y texturas, el concreto pulido ofrece un acabado mucho más liso y sin texturas ya que no requiere de moldes.

Although it is not usual, because the use of imprinted concrete is more widespread in outdoor surfaces, it can also be used without problems indoors in two ways. The first, as pavement; and the second on facades, walls or walls.

If over time you get tired of the imprinted concrete, you will be able to remove it without problems. The most practical way is to use the existing surface as concrete pavement and put whatever you want on top. For example, you can place cobblestones, stoneware, tile, tile or microcement, among others.

Otra forma para remover el concreto estampado, aunque un poco más brusca y que se utiliza principalmente en grandes obras, es la de destruir la superficie con un martillo compresor o perforador.

The duration of an imprinted concrete installation depends on multiple factors: square meters to cover, the finishes that are sought to achieve, the surface on which the stamped concrete will be poured or the degree of inclination of said surface, since it is necessary to level it. Taking into account all these elements, the installation of an imprinted concrete floor can last approximately one week.

The imprinted concrete does not require exhaustive cleaning, although it depends on the degree of dirt on the pavement or vertical wall. In principle, it will be enough to clean the surface every 3 months. We recommend using our detergent cleaner for this. Ecoclean Pro . Enjuagar a continuación con agua a presión.

El mantenimiento del concreto estampado no requiere de mucha complejidad, ya que es un tipo de revestimiento muy resistente cuya durabilidad puede incluso superar los 20 años. En el caso de que con el transcurso del tiempo el pavimento estampado haya perdido algo de color o empiece a hacerse notar el cemento, es recomendable aplicar una resina mezclada con el pigmento del suelo.

Although this is the most used option, we as specialists recommend applying Covercem® Stone. A renovation mortar that is aesthetic and has a very natural look that is ideal for renewing concrete that has lost its old color or some hardness. In addition, it offers greater resistance than applying only a resin.

Cracks or fissures in stamped concrete can appear for various reasons. From an excess load on the ground, a poorly placed steel mesh or the absence of it, to the deficient compaction of the ground before concreting, among others.

Next, we explain the step by step to repair a crack or fissure in the imprinted concrete:

  1. Clean the area of the pavement or vertical wall that needs to be repaired in depth, with special emphasis on the inside of the crack or crevice. If necessary, vacuum the dust that may have accumulated inside it.
  2. Fill the crack or fissure generously with a repair putty for concrete. This can be flexible (acrylic or polyurethane putty) or cementitious. If necessary, open the crack well to allow the entry of the repair product.
  3. Ha llegado el momento de renovar el acabado superficial del concreto estampado. Para ello, aplicar Covercem® Stone o Covercem® Monocrom en el color que queramos.
  4. En el caso de usar el Covercem® Monocrom, es necesario realizar previamente una decapación de la superficie con nuestro Ecoclean Stripper. Después tendrás que limpiar el pavimento con agua a presión.
  5. When the Covercem® is completely dry, immediately apply the Sealcem® WT or Sealcem® DSV sealers depending on the desired shine or finish.

Although stamped concrete is a very resistant decorative continuous pavement, over time there can be a loss of color or shine in its finishes due to erosion, rain, sun, or misuse of it.

Un problema que tiene fácil solución. A continuación te explicamos cómo recuperar el color o brillo del concreto estampado:

  1. Clean the area you want to renew the imprinted concrete well. For this, the use of the Ecoclean Pro detergent cleaner is recommended, following the instructions given above.
  2. Once the floor or wall is completely dry, apply the Sealcem WT T or Sealcem DSV sealers depending on the desired shine or finish. At least two coats of the chosen sealer will be applied. Specifically for the Sealcem® WT varnish, it can be pigmented with our range of Arcocem® colorants.

The last step of the decorative technique of imprinted concrete consists of applying a varnish. A fundamental product that will not only protect the new coating from impacts and weather conditions, but will prolong its good appearance.

A varnish that, on some occasions, enhances the color of the floor or vertical wall while increasing its resistances. As a general rule, this resin is applied every two or three years. The purpose is none other than to recover the lost shine over the years and reinforce the resistances.

En Topciment hemos desarrollado una línea de barnices específicos llamada Sealcem®. En esta página te explicamos cómo barnizar el concreto estampado, paso a paso.

Since imprinted concrete is a textured surface, to remove the sealer or varnish from the surface it is necessary to strip it. To do this, use our Ecoclean Stripper product. The steps to follow are:

  1. First, you have to strip the imprinted concrete coating to leave it in the best possible conditions. With a roller or brush, apply our Ecoclean Stripper gel stripper until the surface is well covered.
  2. When the surface is perfectly stripped, it will be completely covered with plastic for 1 hour. This period must be guaranteed to prevent the stripper from drying out and to promote its deep action.
  3. Una vez que se proceda a quitar el plástico, se limpiará la superficie con agua a presión.
  4. After checking that the imprinted concrete is dry, it's time to seal the surface again with our Sealcem® WT or Sealcem® DSV varnishes or with our range of Covercem® products.

A misuse of imprinted concrete can cause significant deterioration over time. In case you need a considerable repair, this is the action protocol:

  1. Clean the area to be repaired well. It is recommended to use the Ecoclean Pro or Ecoclean Construction detergent cleaner. Depending on the degree and type of existing dirt, use one or the other. Let the specialized cleaner act between 5 and 15 minutes. Brush afterwards with a bristle brush and then rinse with pressurized water.
  2. When the surface is completely dry, it will be time to repair the imprinted concrete. We recommend Covercem® Stone mortar in the chosen color. Apply two coats, allowing a drying time of between 4 and 8 hours between each coat, covering the surface well. Allow to dry for between 24 and 48 hours after applying the second coat.
  3. In case you want a finer finish, you would have to apply the mineral consolidants Covercem® Monocrom or Covercem® Restaura to repair the damaged imprinted concrete. Previously, we would strip the floor with our Ecoclean Stripper. After cleaning the surface with water, we would proceed to cover the surface with two coats of Covercem®. Let it dry for 2 hours between each coat, 24 hours after the second coat and just before applying the sealer.
  4. Once the Covercem® Stone, Covercem® Monocrom or Covercem® Restaura is dry, apply the Sealcem® WT or Sealcem® DSV sealers depending on the desired shine or finish.
  5. If in addition to repairing the imprinted concrete you are looking to provide a waterproof character to the coating, apply two coats of Covercem® Xtrem. Allow to dry between 4 and 8 hours between coats. Then, polish. This mineral consolidant, ideal for polishing, will improve the surface protection against water and atmospheric agents.

In the case of a deteriorated stamped concrete coating and lack of color, painting it can be the best solution for it to look like the first day again. It is very important to assess the damage to get the right treatment.

If for example the imprinted pavement or wall has only discolored or you want to change the color for whatever reasons, we recommend two methods to paint the imprinted concrete. Use our Sealcem® DSV Colour paint or our Arcocem® pigments and pigment pastes.

Now, if in addition to the loss of color the surface shows major damage and therefore requires repair, the method would be very different. In this particular case, the Covercem® family would have to be used. These are mineral consolidating coatings that not only fix the defects of the imprinted concrete floor or facade, but also give it color to recover the vigor of the initial stamped concrete.