
Bicomponent microcement for swimming pools - Atlanttic Aquaciment®

It has never been so easy to design unique creations for submerged spaces. With the exclusive line of microcement for pools Atlanttic Aquaciment®, unique, almost mystical sensory experiences are forged. Baths that seem almost eternal in pools that are more than pools and become privileged enclaves.

Infinity pools in their design with a refined, elegant and modern aesthetic, as well as in their functional virtues. Excellent resistance to immersion and UV rays, permeable to water vapor, with greater water impermeability and with a non-slip finish. Continuous surfaces also on edges and crowns, multiplying the sensation of infinity.

A microcement system for pools with an improved formula to ensure greater flexibility, hardness, permeability, and waterproofness.

De carácter bicomponente, compuesto por cemento y resina, la versatilidad de este microcemento no se limita a las albercas, pudiéndose aprovechar sus capacidades también en fuentes, estanques, saunas, spas, baños termales y otros espacios en contacto constante con el agua. Incluso en terrazas. Déjate conquistar por la última tendencia.

Pool lined with Atlanttic microcement from Topciment.

The luxury is in the quality

El verdadero privilegio es tener un producto confiable. Sin grietas por retracción y burbujas que valgan. Más a prueba de agua. Atlanttic Aquaciment® lo es. Y no tiene precio. Un microcemento para albercas de calidad suprema.

Microcemento para albercas de cloro y de sal

Las albercas recubiertas con nuestro producto se benefician de sus excelentes características mecánicas y químicas. Un revestimiento decorativo todoterreno que es válido tanto en albercas de cloro como de sal.

Borde de piscina revestido con microcemento Atlanttic.

Glamour en un entorno incomparable

Having a pool is reason enough to feel privileged. Wrapping it with this microcement makes it acquire a special charm. Dream pools worthy of the most exclusive magazines that set trends in the sector. Pure fantasy.

Microcemento para bordes, corona y vaso de albercas

Atlanttic Aquaciment® es multifuncional. Un mismo producto para diferentes áreas de uso. Cumple con las expectativas en bordes, corona y vaso de piscina. Nada se le escapa.

Safe spaces: free from humidity and unwanted slips

Forget about watching where you step. The thickness of the aggregate and the supreme sealing with Topsealer® WT Pool, make the area surrounding the pool a space free of non-gratifying falls and slips. An architectural element without humidity or water leaks, neither inside nor outside.

Microcemento para albercas apto para saunas y spas

The passage of time is impeccable, except for our microcement for swimming pools. Atlanttic Aquaciment® does not deteriorate. Neither by abrasion or sun exposure, nor by the salt or chlorine of the pool. Enjoy an eternal microcement pool.

Fácil de limpiar y mantener debido a que no tiene juntas

The absence of joints not only promotes a unique and inimitable visual continuity for other materials. It simplifies to the minimum expression the cleaning and care that the pool requires.

Microcemento para albercas aplicable fresco sobre fresco

If there's something that Atlanttic Aquaciment® ensures, it's exquisite workability. A product that can be felt with every trowel stroke and that can be applied fresh on fresh. Faster, but just as effective.

Around the pool coated with Atlanttic microcement.
Logo Atlanttic

Microcemento para albercas Atlanttic Aquaciment® XXL

Con un agregado máximo de 0,9 mm, la granulometría Atlanttic Aquaciment® XXL conforma nuestro microcemento para albercas que se utiliza para la preparación del soporte. Un producto de plenas garantías y súper duro. Su innovadora fórmula provoca una activación del 100% del cemento, lo que permite una resistencia en inmersión extraordinaria pudiéndose aplicar en el vaso de la alberca.

Descarga aquí la ficha técnica de Atlanttic Aquaciment XXL

Types of microcement for Atlanttic Aquaciment XXL pools

Atlanttic Aquaciment XXL
Atlanttic Aquaciment XXL

Technical features

Máximo grosor de agregado

0,9 mm

Compression resistance (EN 13892-2)

28 días: ≥ 55 N/m2

Flexural strength (EN 13892-2)

28 días: ≥ vv9 N/m2

Slip resistance (EN-ENV-12633)

Class 2 or 3 depending on the finish that is left.


The performance of the microcement for Atlanttic Aquaciment® XXL preparation pools is at 2 hands of 4.0 kg/m2.


El producto se presenta en envases de 18 kg.

Logo Atlanttic

Microcemento para albercas Atlanttic Aquaciment® XL

Como microcemento para albercas de acabado tenemos la granulometría Atlanttic Aquaciment® XL, cuyo tamaño máximo de árido se reduce a los 0,6 mm. Un producto con una textura algo más suave pero con unas prestaciones igualmente fantásticas. Se crean espacios continuos que facilitan la unión entre varias zonas, creando una superficie uniforme e inigualable. El efecto quemado de la llana de acero se reduce y en apenas unos días alcanza una dureza extraordinaria.

Download here the technical sheet of Atlanttic Aquaciment XL

Tipos de microcemento para piscinas Atlanttic Aquaciment XL

Atlanttic Aquaciment XL
Atlanttic Aquaciment XL

Technical features

Máximo grosor de agregado

0,6 mm

Compression resistance (EN 13892-2)

28 días: ≥ 55 N/m2

Flexural strength (EN 13892-2)

28 días: ≥ vv9 N/m2

Slip resistance (EN-ENV-12633)

Class 2 or 3 depending on the finish that is left.


The performance of the microcement for swimming pools with an Atlanttic Aquaciment® XL finish is at 2 hands of 3.0 kg/m2.


El producto está disponible en envases de 18 kg.


Acricem Pool, componente B e imprimación de microcemento para albercas

Water-based acrylic resin. Primer and component B of Atlanttic Aquaciment®. It increases the water impermeability and the water vapor permeability of the pool coating. It also reduces the appearance of shrinkage cracks.

Sólidos: 14-16%

Mix proportion: 3.2 -3.5L per 10 kg Atlanttic Aquaciment® XL and 3 - 3.1L per 10 kg Atlanttic Aquaciment® XXL.

Rendimiento: 0,10L/m2.

Presentación: envases de 25 litros.

See technical sheet

Topsealer WT Pool, sellador de microcemento para piscinas

Water-based acrylic varnish made up of acrylic copolymers in emulsion. It exponentially increases the mechanical and chemical resistances of the pool coated with microcement. It resists alkalis and is stable in humid environments.

Sólidos: 15-20%

pH: between 6.5 and 7.5

Viscosity (Ford Cup 4): 10-15 seconds

Application temperature: 10ºC-25ºC

Rendimiento: 0,12L/m² (2 capas)

Presentación: envases de 5 litros.

See technical sheet
Topsealer WT Pool

+ Cómo aplicar el microcemento para piscinas Atlanttic Aquaciment®

Paso 1. Imprimar la alberca con la resina Acricem Pool

Use Acricem Pool resin as a primer. Apply a layer with a roller and let it dry for 30-45 minutes.

Paso 1 Atlanttic

Step 2. Mix Acricem Pool with Atlanttic Aquaciment®

Shake the pigment and add to the Acricem Pool resin. Add the corresponding Atlanttic Aquaciment® granulometry and mix for at least 2-3 minutes with a low-speed stirrer.

Paso 2 Atlanttic

Step 3. Apply two coats of Atlanttic Aquaciment® XXL microcement for swimming pools

Apply 1st coat of unpigmented Atlanttic Aquaciment® XXL. Let it dry for 4-8 hours. Apply the 2nd coat, now pigmented, and let it dry for the same amount of time.

Paso 3 Atlanttic

Step 4. Apply two coats of Atlanttic Aquaciment® XL microcement for swimming pools

To finish the pool decoration, apply two pigmented layers of Atlanttic Aquaciment® XL and let it dry for 4-8 hours between them. If you want "fresh on fresh", apply the 2nd layer of XL 1h after the 1st.

Paso 4 atlanttic

Paso 5. Sellar la alberca con una mano del barniz Topsealer® WT Pool

24 horas después, proteger el microcemento de la alberca con una mano del barniz Topsealer® WT Pool con rodillo (4-8 horas entre capas). Dejar secar 7 días.

Paso 4 atlanttic

Paso 6. Llenar de agua la alberca

7 días después del sellado, proceder a llenar de agua la alberca de microcemento.

Paso 6 Atlanttic

Colors of microcement for Atlanttic Aquaciment® pools

Blanco *Pigmentado Natural White *Without pigment
Pool coated with gray Atlanttic microcement.
Swimming pool coated with white Atlanttic microcement.

Frequently asked questions about Atlanttic Aquaciment® microcement for swimming pools

The new system is easier to apply, tougher and more robust, with better waterproofing and water vapor permeability, more flexible and with greater workability.

The thickness of the system as a whole must oscillate between 3 and 5 millimeters, never exceeding that limit.

Just as it is important to avoid the middle hours of the day, to ensure that the temperature of the environment and the support never exceeds 25ºC, you have to be very aware of the rain forecasts. If you have started to apply our microcement for swimming pools and you see that it is going to rain in the following days, you will have to suspend the installation.

Por supuesto. El sistema Atlanttic Aquaciment® es igual de válido sobre albercas viejas como albercas de obra nuevas.

Sí. Es totalmente apto. Antes de aplicar nuestro microcemento para albercas habrá que hidrofugar el concreto para evitar cualquier problema futuro con el soporte.

Our Atlanttic Aquaciment® system is suitable for reinforced concrete formwork supports, projected and gunned concrete. This system is not a waterproofing mortar and cannot be applied to other microcements, gresites, cement glues, waterproof mortars and paints. The reason is that the anchoring on these supports is not the same.

Cada sistema de microcemento debe realizarse tal y como indican las fichas técnicas. En el caso de Atlanttic Aquaciment®, que ha sido reformulado y mejorado, incorpora ahora una resina y barniz específicos precisamente para incrementar las prestaciones del producto. Si se empleara Acricem en vez de Acricem Pool como componente B del microcemento e imprimación, las resistencias mecánicas y químicas se reducirían.

Como imprimación se debe aplicar Acricem Pool.

Although at first glance Topsealer® WT One Coat, one of our most popular water-based varnishes, and Topsealer® WT Pool are similar; the chemical resistances are different. The specific sealer for our microcement system for pools tolerates agents such as bleach, ammonia and vinegar much better. Likewise, it is a harder sealer with better quality resins. Therefore, as in the case of the resin, it is necessary to use Topsealer® WT Pool.

It can and in fact it must be done this way, that is the system's procedure. Since this varnish dries quite quickly. Leaving 4-8 hours between coats would be enough.

Como tal, es posible. Ya que el "color" Blanco Natural en realidad es el microcemento de origen, sin pigmento incorporado. Pero nosotros como fabricantes solo damos garantías del Blanco Natural y del Blanco (con pigmento), las dos opciones de la carta de color de Atlanttic Aquaciment®.

El mantenimiento de una alberca revestida con nuestro microcemento no varía en comparación con otros tipos de alberca. Lo único que nosotros recomendamos es cada 1 o 2 años, en función del estado del revestimiento, limpiar con agua a presión y renovar la última capa del barniz Topsealer® WT Pool lijando antes la superficie.

The application process of our Atlanttic Aquaciment® microcement for swimming pools is the same for both lining the pool basin and the edges, crown and surrounding area.

Siete días después del sellado se podría empezar a llenar la alberca de microcemento con agua.

Although Atlanttic Aquaciment® is designed as a system for pools and other surfaces, the great hardness it possesses allows it to be used as a terrace coating.

To apply the Atlanttic Aquaciment® microcement for pools with the "fresh on fresh" technique, you have to apply the fourth coat an hour after having applied the third layer.

To obtain a smoother finish, the layers of this microcement for swimming pools can be sanded with 24 or 40 grain sandpaper depending on the hardness that the product has reached. Or, also, apply the "fresh on fresh" technique and in the last layer use a sprayer with water and refine afterwards with the help of a metal trowel.