
Ready-to-use microcement for high decoration | Efectto Quartz

Efectto Quartz is the ready-to-use microcement line that offers highly decorative continuous finishes. Its exclusive formula does not contain cements that can cause unforeseen shrinkage or cracking.

A continuous coating designed for professionals who want to be more productive, increase the speed of microcement application and avoid debris. For all these reasons, Efectto Quartz ready to use microcement is the best choice for work on houses that are already inhabited.

This ready-to-use microcement stands out for its low thickness which, together with its great adherence, allows it to be applied on practically any substrate. A coating suitable for vertical and horizontal surfaces, indoors and outdoors.

A product that boasts excellent workability, does not yellow, and does not require the use of mesh for application due to its extraordinary flexibility. It is an exceptional decorative solution for covering old surfaces made of concrete, ceramics, plaster, drywall, cement, and many more options.

Efectto Quartz ready to use microcement is available in 16 exclusive microcement colours and four different grain sizes. All of them are distinguished by their natural look.

Logo Efectto Quartz Small Grain

Ready-to-use microcement for wall finishes

Efectto Quartz Small Grain is our ready-to-use finishing microcement for walls and other vertical surfaces. It is a smooth microcement applied in two coats, following two previously applied coats of Efectto Quartz Big Grain.

Download the Efectto Quartz Small Grain technical data sheet here

Types of ready-to-use finishing microcement for walls

Efectto Quartz
Efectto Quartz Small Grain 17 Kg
Efectto Quartz
Efectto Quartz Small Grain 6 Kg

Technical characteristics

Maximum thickness per layer

0,3 mm /p>

icono dureza shore

16 g/L

Densidad aparente

1,6±0,1 g/cm3

Taber Abrasion

376 mg


The performance of Efectto Quartz Small Grain ready to use microcement wall finish is 0.250 kg/m².


Efectto Quartz Small Grain ready-to-use microcement wall finish is packaged in 6 and 17 kg black plastic conical buckets.

Grano medio

Ready-to-use finishing microcement for floors and paving

Efectto Quartz Medium Grain is our ready-to-use microcement finish for floors and pavements. It is applied in a single coat after two coats of Efectto Quartz Super Grain.

Download the Efectto Quartz Medium Grain data sheet here

Ready-to-use finishing microcement types for floors

  Efectto Quartz Medium Grain 17 Kg
Efectto Quartz Medium Grain 17 Kg
 Efectto Quartz Medium Grain 6 Kg
Efectto Quartz Medium Grain 6 Kg

Technical characteristics

Maximum thickness per layer

0,5 mm

icono dureza shore

16 g/L

Densidad aparente

1,6±0,1 g/cm3

Taber Abrasion

139 mg


The consumption of Efectto Quartz Medium Grain ready to use microcement for floors is 0.450 kg/m²


Efectto Quartz Medium Grain ready-to-use microcement floor finish is packaged in 6 and 17 kg black plastic conical buckets.

Logo Efectto Quartz Big Grain

Ready to use preparation microcement for walls

Efectto Quartz Big Grain is the ready-to-use microcement line for wall preparation. After applying this coating, apply two layers of Efectto Quartz Small Grain finishing microcement

Download the Efectto Quartz Big Grain data sheet here.

Types of ready-to-use microcement for wall preparation

Efectto Quartz Big Grain 17 Kg
Efectto Quartz Big Grain 17 Kg
Efectto Quartz Big Grain 6 Kg
Efectto Quartz Big Grain 6 Kg

Technical characteristics

Maximum thickness per layer

0,8 mm

icono dureza shore


Densidad aparente

1,6±0,1 g/cm3

Taber Abrasion

106 mg


The performance of Efectto Big Grain ready to use microcement wall preparation is 0.9 kg/m².


Efectto Quartz Big Grain ready-to-use microcement for wall preparation is packaged in 6 and 17 kg black plastic conical buckets.

Logo Efectto Quartz Super Grain

Ready-to-use microcement for floor and wall preparation

Efectto Quartz Super Grain is the ready-to-use microcement range for preparing floors and pavements. After applying this product, a coat of Efectto Quartz Medium Grain finishing microcement should be applied.

Download the Efectto Quartz Super Grain data sheet here

Types of ready-to-use microcement for floor preparation

Efectto Quartz Super Grain 17 Kg
Efectto Quartz Super Grain 17 Kg
Efectto Quartz Super Grain 6 Kg
Efectto Quartz Super Grain 6 Kg

Technical characteristics

Maximum thickness per layer

1 mm

icono dureza shore

16 g/L

Densidad aparente

1,6±0,1 g/cm3

Taber Abrasion

94 mg


The consumption of Efectto Quartz Super Grain ready to use microcement for floor preparation is 1.3 kg/m².


Efectto Quartz Super Grain ready-to-use microcement is packaged in 6 kg and 17 kg black plastic conical buckets.

Step 1. Clean and prepare the substrate.

Ensure the surface is level and consolidated. Clean and dry the substrate. If moisture is present, treat the substrate with Primapox® 100 Barrier.

paso 1 aplicacion pure mettal

Step 2. Fill joints.

For tiles, fill the joints with Primacem® Joint. Allow to dry for 12-24 hours and sand with 40-grit paper.

paso 1 aplicacion pure mettal

Step 3. Priming.

Apply one coat of primer: Primacem® Plus for non-absorbent surfaces or Primacem® ABS for absorbent ones. Allow to dry for 30 minutes to 2 hours.

efecto paredes

Step 4: First coat of ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz Big Grain

Homogenise the product before pouring. Then, use a steel trowel to apply the first coat of ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz Big Grain (pre-pigmented if desired). Allow to dry for 4 to 8 hours. Sand with 40-grit paper.

efecto paredes

Step 5: Second coat of ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz Big Grain

Second coat of ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz Big Grain

Paso 5 paredes Efectto

Step 6: First coat of ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz Small Grain

Using a steel or rubber trowel, apply the first coat of ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz Small Grain. Ensure the product is homogenised and, if desired, pre-pigmented. Allow to dry for 4 to 8 hours. Sand each coat with 220-grit paper.

Paso 6 paredes Efectto

Step 7: Second coat of ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz Small Grain

Apply a second coat of ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz Small Grain. Let it to dry for 4 to 8 hours. Sand with 220-grit paper.

Paso 7 paredes Efectto

Step 8: Sealing

Protect the substrate with TopSealer® WT All in One varnish. Apply 3 coats, or 4 coats for wet areas and high-traffic zones. Sand the first coat with 400-grit paper. Allow 3 hours of drying time between coats.


Step 1. Clean and prepare the substrate.

Check that the surface is level and consolidated. Clean and dry the substrate. Use Primapox® 100 Barrier if the substrate shows moisture.

paso 1 aplicacion pure mettal

Step 2. Filling joints.

Fill tile joints of tiles with Primacem® Joint. Allow 12-24 hours for drying and sand with 40-grit paper.

paso 1 aplicacion pure mettal

Step 3. Priming.

Apply 1 coat of primer. Primacem® ABS for absorbent surfaces and Primacem® Plus for non-absorbent surfaces. Allow to dry for at least 30 minutes, 2 hours maximum.

paso 3 efectto en suelos

Step 4. First coat ready to use microcement Efectto Quartz Super Grain.

Using a steel trowel, apply the first coat of homogenized ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz Super Grain. It can also be pigmented if desired. Allow to dry for 4 to 8 hours. Sand with 40-grit paper.

paso 3 efectto en suelos

Step 5. Second coat of ready to use microcement Efectto Quartz Super Grain.

Using a trowel, apply the second coat of ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz Super Grain. After drying for 4 to 8 hours, sand with 40-grit paper.

paso a paso efectto en suelos 5

Step 6. One coat of ready to use microcement Efectto Quartz Medium Grain

Using a steel trowel, apply a single coat of homogenized and pigmented (according to preference) ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz Medium Grain. Allow to dry for 4 to 8 hours and sand with 120 grit paper.

paso a paso 6

Step 7. Sealing.

Use TopSealer® WT All in One varnish to protect the substrate. Apply 3 coats, 4 coats for wet or high traffic areas. Use 400 grit for sanding the first coat. Let dry 3 hours between coats.

paso a paso efectto en suelos 7

Certifications for ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz

  • Liquid water permeability (UNE-EN 1062-3:2008): w = 0,03 kg/(m²h05) W3
  • Water vapour permeability (UNE-EN ISO 7783:2019): Class I
  • Adhesion by direct tensile strength (UNE-EN 1542:2000): 1.0 MPa

Ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz colours

Cairo Dakar Tunez Oran
Tanger Malta Adra Samos
Bari Derna Oslo Malmo
Turku Kemi Bergen Tibet

Frequently asked questions about ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz

Efectto Quartz is a highly decorative ready to use microcement for professionals designed to achieve unique and elegant designs.

A continuous decorative coating of low thickness which, due to its great adherence, can be applied on tile, terrazzo, plaster, concrete and other materials. It is applied by hand in several layers using a trowel. It is suitable for interior and exterior applications, on vertical and horizontal surfaces.

A ready to use microcement that can be used alone or as a complement to, for example, the Sttandard line, as they have completely different finishes, colours and textures.

Before applying Efectto Quartz ready to use microcement, it is necessary to prepare the surface with a primer.

Efectto Quartz is applied in several layers with a trowel, both indoors and outdoors and on vertical and horizontal surfaces as long as they are level and consolidated.

It is important that the layers are thin, otherwise cracks may occur. Allow 4 to 8 hours drying time between coats.

Once the product is dry, seal with TopSealer® WT All in One top coat.

Please note the following:

  • Never apply on natural wood or substrates consisting of parts that may expand differently.
  • The substrate must be consolidated.
  • The surface must be dry, free of dust and grease.
  • The planimetry of the substrate will determine the final appearance.
  • Any moisture issues, if present, must be resolved before applying the ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz. The ideal product for this is our Primapox® 100 Barrier.
  • There is no need to use mesh when applying the product. Additionally, it cannot be applied, fresh over fresh.

The versatility of our ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz allows its application on surfaces with joints, such as tiles. On these surfaces, it will be necessary to level them and conceal the joints with a suitable, high-quality product. At Topciment®, we offer Primacem® Joint for this purpose.

Before starting the application, it is essential to stir and homogenize the ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz. This can be done with the help of a mechanical stirrer or vigorously manually.

  • Ready to use, so you do not need to make any mixture.
  • Faster to apply than a traditional microcement.
  • Faster to dry than a traditional microcement.
  • Easy to apply, with no previous application experience
  • Very good adherence to the substrate
  • Flexible and it doesn't have shrink.
  • High abrasion resistance.
  • Wide range of colours and effects.
  • Compatible with conventional tintometric systems.

Efectto Quartz has a wide collection of colours and chromatic possibilities for floors and walls. Consult our colour catalogue to see which one best suits your taste (redirect to colours).

No, the ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz does not come in color. However, it can be purchased pigmented with a minimum order of 1,000 kg of material. Otherwise, the pigment or color for the coating must be purchased separately.

To pigment the Efectto Quartz ready-to-use microcement, it can be done manually by pouring all the pigment into the bucket and mixing it until a homogeneous mixture is achieved.

It is not possible to use mesh as it is a decorative coating designed to be applied in a thin layer. It is very important to always respect the drying times of Efectto Quartz ready-to-use microcement in order to achieve maximum performance.

For this type of ready-to-use microcement, the use of mesh is not recommended, as explained in the previous question. If it has been used, we will need a thicker layer of product to cover it, affecting the drying time and its hardness, as well as increasing the risk of cracking.

Efectto Quartz ready to use microcement does not contain cement, it is made of resins. It therefore has less shrinkage, is more flexible and slightly more elastic. This is why laying a mesh is detrimental to this microcement system.

If you have leftover product after finishing the work, it is advisable to place a plastic sheet to prevent the material from coming into contact with the air. By doing this, the Efectto Quartz microcement will be perfectly preserved without losing its properties.

Efectto Quartz is guaranteed for one year from the date of production. If the application systems are not followed correctly, the product will lose its warranty.

Efectto Quartz can be applied on both vertical and horizontal substrates. A ready-to-use microcement that is compatible with tiles, terrazzo, plaster, cement, etc.

Efectto Quartz is a very resistant coating that can be applied both indoors and outdoors, as well as in wet areas such as bathrooms and even inside showers. The sealing process of this microcement is key for the product to work perfectly in all these situations.

By itself, it is not waterproof, but it can become so with proper treatment. In humid areas such as bathrooms, we recommend treating the substrate with our Primapox® 100 Barrier and sealing the new coating with four layers of TopSealer® WT All in One varnish. In this way, the ready-to-use microcement Efectto Quartz will become waterproof.

To ensure the long life of Efectto Quartz ready-to-use microcement, we recommend the use of our Ecoclean microcement cleaners and our Ceraciment protective waxes (link products).

Yes, ready-to-use microcement is perfectly compatible with underfloor heating. In fact, it is one of the best materials for this purpose. However, a heating protocol must be followed to prevent cracks in the flooring due to temperature changes.

You can find all the information here.

The heating protocol is as follows:

1. Turn on the heating at least 4 weeks after placing the cement mortar.

2. Maintain the water entering the circuits at 25°C throughout 2 or 3 days. Then gradually increase the water temperature to 45°C and keep it on for several days.

3. Turn off the heating for at least 48 hours before starting the microcement application. The maximum floor temperature should be 18°C.

Microcement floors should be applied to cementitious mortars that have reached an advanced setting stage. This occurs after three or four weeks drying-out, depending on the weather. In any case, it is essential that the mortar is practically dry. To achieve this, there should be a maximum of 5% humidity in the support, which must be checked with a relative humidity meter.  

We recommend using quality self-levelling cement mortars.

Supports with powdery mortars are not at all suitable, since the base state for the application must be consistent, if otherwise then the base should be consolidated.

After applying the microcement, at least 48 hours should pass before the heating is gradually turned on (+5°C each day).

Always change the temperature gradually, both at the beginning and at the end of the heating period.

Make sure that the relative air humidity in the rooms is not too low.

Always avoid an accumulation of heat caused by rugs and carpets, or the lack of space between the furniture and the floor.

Important!  Between the floor and the vertical faces there will always be a joint to permit dilation. Failure to comply with this indicated requirement may result in cracking.