Successfully applying microcement over underfloor heating
More and more people are opting to install underfloor heating over traditional radiators for two main reasons: it provides a better thermal comfort and is more economical in the long run. However, the installation of underfloor heating is not compatible with all materials. For example, extreme precautions must be taken with many types of wooden floors.
Microcement is one of the most suitable building materials to opt for underfloor heating for many reasons. Mainly because it is a continuous coating, it does not crack and above all it has good thermal conductivity thanks to its excellent heat resistance. However, for the optimal combination of this decorative coating and underfloor heating, it is necessary to carry out a series of steps rigorously.

How to apply microcement on a radiant floor: step by step
Our technical team has been advising and resolving doubts for professionals about the application of microcement for nearly two decades. One of the most recurring is precisely about the possibility of installing a microcement radiant floor.
Next, we explain the step by step so that the application of microcementabout radiant floor heating being a complete success. Take note of our advice.
Heat the floor before applying the microcement
Antes de aplicar el microcemento en el suelo radiante hay que realizar un protocolo de encendido de la calefacción. De esta manera, se evitará que las fisuras ocasionadas por los cambios de temperatura en la solera puedan perjudicar al microcemento.
Turn on the heating at least 4 weeks before placing the cement mortar.
Hold the inlet water to the circuits at 25ºC for a period of 2 or 3 days.
Gradually increase the water temperature until it reaches 45ºC. Keep it like this for several days.
Turn off the heating 48 hours before starting to install the microcement on the radiant floor. It is very important that the maximum temperature of the floor does not exceed 18ºC.
Microcement application on radiant floor
Microcement floors must be placed on cementitious mortars that have achieved an advanced stage of setting. To reach this optimal stage, three or four weeks must pass, a period that can vary depending on the weather. It is essential to check that the mortar is practically dry (maximum of 5% humidity).
Turn on the underfloor heating after the microcement installation
1. When the microcement is already correctly applied on the radiant floor, you have to wait at least 48 hours to be able to turn the heating back on. The following aspects must be taken into account:
2. The heating should be turned on gradually. It will be increased by 5ºC each day.
3. Gradually change the temperature at the beginning and end of using underfloor heating.
4. Ensure that the relative humidity of the room air is not too low.
5. Prevent heat from accumulating as a result of the use of carpets and rugs or, also, due to little space between the furniture and the radiant floor.

Advantages of microcement underfloor heating
These are just some of the many benefits of using microcement over underfloor heating:
1. Low consumption
One of the main advantages of microcement over underfloor heating is that it is a low consumption and very efficient system. That is, the amount of energy required to reach an optimal temperature is reduced considerably compared to other alternatives. In this way, you will save energy and money during the coldest months of the year.
2. Feeling of thermal comfort
La calefacción por suelo radiante, gracias a su distribución uniforme, contribuye a lograr de manera más rápida esa sensación de confort térmico, de equilibrio entre la temperatura de la estancia y la temperatura corporal de las personas que en ella se encuentran. Una armonía que se potencia gracias al suelo de microcemento y su gran conductividad térmica
3. Thermal resistance and conductivity
The outstanding heat resistance of microcement as well as its thermal conductivity, make this coating one of the most suitable for the installation of underfloor heating.
4.No cracking
Closely related to the previous point, if a correct application of microcement is carried out by the professional the microcement floor will not crack. An aspect to take into account since not all floors are capable of withstanding the heat radiated by a radiant floor and end up cracking and cracks appearing. Something that will not happen if microcement is used on underfloor heating.
5. Continuous coating
Lastly, and no less important, microcement is the continuous coating par excellence. In this way, the radiant floor will be covered without any visual cuts and therefore a pleasant sense of continuity is offered.

Microcement problems in radiant floor
Like any self-respecting system, there are also a series of drawbacks that should be kept in mind to avoid problems with microcement on radiant floor.
Choosing poor quality microcement
Although microcement is a very heat-resistant continuous coating that should not crack, one should not skimp on its quality. The higher the quality, the greater the resistance and therefore the less likely that problems with microcement on radiant floor will appear.
Complex installation
The process of applying microcement to the floor does not change in the case of underfloor heating. However, not strictly following the ignition protocol would be a problem. That's why it's so important to complete the steps
Topciment Microcements, the best option for underfloor heating
The high performance of our coatings has led us to become leaders in the manufacture of microcementin Spain. Microcements with unbeatable technical characteristics and perfect for underfloor heating.
If after reading this article you still have doubts about the installation of radiant floor or want to know what type of microcement is the most suitable, contact us. We are looking forward to helping you.
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