Melisende Oasis
Akko, Israel
Photos: Karin Ravenna
Architecture and interior design: Michal Matalon
From the fusion of the old and the new, Melisende Oasis is born. A hotel nestled in the old town of the Israeli city of Akko, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where the perfect balance between tradition and modernity is achieved.
As a result of a complex process of renovation, conservation, and restoration, this exclusive Mediterranean-style hotel emerges with unique rooms in which the Microdeck microcement from Topciment® in Ivory color has been used as a decorative coating on walls and ceiling. A building with 500 years of history that has been converted into a most unique hotel.
El diseño es una oda a la relajación y al disfrute pero, sobre todo, a la historia local del lugar. La mejor prueba de ello son los impresionantes arcos y estructuras otomanas que se conservan y hacen de conexión directa con el pasado.