XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor: un gran mortero autonivelante decorativo
In Topciment®'s innovation roadmap, XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor. A high-quality system with which we increase our offer of decorative and functional solutions. Specifically, the line of self-leveling for interiors, highly demanded in the construction sector.
Our latest addition, XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor, forms a decorative self-leveling mortar of the latest generation intended for the restoration and smoothing of interior floors. With layers of thicknesses between 5-20 millimeters, the floor is given a final finish of the most functional mineral aesthetics.
The versatility of this self-leveling, in terms of colors and fields of application, as well as its high performance make it a great alternative in the world of coatings. Applied in a thin layer, our product gives the pavement the technical and decorative performances required and a warm and welcoming finish.
In this news, we are going to delve into what type of decorative self-leveling mortar XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor falls under, what are its most notable virtues just as we will detail the installation process of this material.
A decorative self-leveling mortar that resists everything
El equilibrio entre estética y funcionalidad se congrega en XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor. Compuesto a base de ligantes hidráulicos, resinas poliméricas, áridos de sílice y carbonatos y aditivos orgánicos e inorgánicos; concede resistencias mecánicas elevadas.
Su alta resistencia a la fisuración así como a la compresión (> 30 N/mm2) y a la abrasión (RWA10) hacen de este autonivelante decorativo un recubrimiento de acabado con muchas opciones. Se puede utilizar tanto para la restauración y alisado de pisos de casas particulares como en aquellos que sufren de un tráfico moderado e intenso como es el caso de los pisos industriales y estacionamientos.
Una variedad de aplicación que, eso sí, se limita únicamente a los espacios interiores; ya que este producto no es apto para aplicarse en terrazas u otros espacios al aire libre. Si el profesional lo considera apropiado, XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor puede sellarse con un barniz epoxi o de poliuretano.

Other benefits of our decorative self-leveling mortar
Este mortero autonivelante decorativo asegura superficies continuas y uniformes, sin cortes ni juntas, fáciles de limpiar y que otorgan mayor amplitud al espacio a transformar con él. Un sistema pensado especialmente para pavimentos perdurables en el tiempo. Entre sus múltiples beneficios, acentuamos los siguientes:
Abundantes posibilidades de color
Unlike the rest of our self-leveling products, XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor is pigmented, which exponentially increases the decorative options this product offers. You will be able to recreate any existing color and achieve the desired finish. How? Thanks to the Arcocem® Plus pigmented pastes that are added to the mortar. There won't be two identical surfaces.
Minimum waiting time
Reducing execution times as much as possible is key, especially in large surface works. Precisely the self-leveling mortar XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor is characterized by a very fast setting in all its fields of application.
Floors decorated with this self-leveling are passable in just 2-3 hours for pedestrian traffic and 24 hours for light traffic. In the case of vehicular traffic, it increases to 3-4 days and, for heavy traffic, a total of 5 days.
One of the main virtues of this decorative self-leveling mortar is without a doubt that it can be pumped. This aptitude, which is not extendable to many other systems but is to those of Topciment®, dramatically increases the productivity of the professional by speeding up the application process.
Válido para piso radiante
With XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor, uniform surfaces are designed where there is no room for irregularities or unevenness in the base. Being compatible with the radiant heating system, it guarantees the distribution of heat in a homogeneous way as well as the maximum thermal efficiency. This last point means that areas of the pavement where there is accumulation or excessive heat loss are avoided.
The ability of our decorative self-leveling mortar to adapt to the shape and structure of the support is unique. Don't worry about the tensions inherent in temperature changes; XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor is formulated to withstand such tensions without cracks appearing that could compromise the outcome of the system. An added value that backs up even more the benefits of this product.
What can be coated with the XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor decorative self-leveling mortar
Our decorative self-leveling mineral aesthetic mortar can be placed on multiple supports. However, before proceeding to specify what materials can be coated with XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor it is important to take into account certain limitations:
No puede usarse para pavimentos exteriores, únicamente en habitaciones interiores.
Si el suelo presenta humedad permanente o humedades por capilaridad, no aplicar XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor.
Por último, y no menos importante, no usar en pisos con temperaturas menores a 10ºC o mayores a 30ºC. Tampoco si la humedad del ambiente supera el 80%.
Now yes. Without further delay, these are the supports that can be coated with the decorative self-leveling mortar XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor:
Concreto fratasado
Cemento de mortero
Cómo aplicar nuestro mortero autonivelante decorativo
Antes de proceder a la mezcla del mortero, la base que se va a cubrir con XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor debe estar seca y en buenas condiciones, seca y libre de polvo así como grasa o suciedad que comprometan su adherencia. Importante: la base debe tener una resistencia a la compresión de al menos 12 MPa y una resistencia a la tracción mayor a 1,2 N/mm² (prueba "pull-off").
1. Imprimar con Primapox® 100 Barrier
No importa si el material que se va a revestir es poroso o no poroso, en ambos casos se utilizará la misma imprimación para favorecer la adherencia de nuestro mortero autonivelante decorativo: Primapox® 100 Barrier. Aplicar el producto con saturación de árido y dejar secar durante 24 horas.
2. Pigmentar con Arcocem® Plus
As previously mentioned, XTREMFLOOR® Level Concrete is a pigmented decorative self-leveling mortar. That is, any color you want can be obtained. To do this, it is necessary to mix the Arcocem® Plus pigmented pastes with 5 liters of clean water.
3. Agregar el mortero autonivelante decorativo XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor
Once the water is colored, add XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor. The proportion is: 25Kg of mortar for 5L of water. Mix with an electric whisk (500 rpm) until the mix has a homogeneous texture and without lumps.
4. Apply the decorative self-leveling mortar XTREMFLOOR® Level Decor
Verter la mezcla sobre el piso. Con una llana niveladora extender y alisar el producto hasta lograr el grosor deseado (entre 5 y 20 milímetros). Recomendamos encarecidamente el uso de un rodillo con púas para desairear la masa y eliminar el aire atrapado del mortero. Importante: si se quiere realizar el vertido del material mediante bomba hay que respetar una distancia de 20 centímetros respecto al piso. Para que no haya inclusión de aire, aplicar el autonivelante decorativo fresco sobre fresco.
5. Proteger con un barniz epoxi o de poliuretano (no obligatorio)
Opcionalmente, se puede sellar el nuevo revestimiento decorativo con un barniz ya sea epoxi, o de poliuretano. Pero no es un paso indispensable.
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