TopSealer® WT Dragon: el barniz de poliuretano a base de agua más deseado
At Topciment® we have a wide variety of varnishes for microcement, the TopSealer® family. In it we find all types of polyurethane sealers, water-based, acrylic and solvent-based, with different performances and functions, so that the professional applicator can choose the one that best suits their demands.
In our eagerness to surpass ourselves to meet the demand and offer the best possible products to the market, TopSealer WT® Dragon joins our family of barnices de poliuretano a base de agua.A sealant that if you dare to try it, you won't want to hear about solvent-based varnishes again.
A water-based polyurethane varnish with unbeatable performance
TopSealer WT® Dragon es un sellador de poliuretano diseñado especialmente para proteger los revestimientos de microcemento. No obstante sus altas prestaciones, al estar formulado con resinas de poliéster hidroxiladas e isocianatos en base agua, soportes más.
This water-based polyurethane varnish of a two-component nature stands out, above all, for guaranteeing superior chemical resistances. Therefore, as we will see later, it is our best water-based varnish for wet areas such as bathrooms (except for swimming pools, for which we have developed TopSealer WT® Pool).
1. Impermeable al agua corriente
Microcement in bathrooms is in good hands with TopSealer WT® Dragon, as it waterproofs the coating against occasional contact with running water. Likewise, with this two-component water-based polyurethane varnish, the maintenance of water vapor breathability is guaranteed. If you don't want worries in wet areas, this is the sealer you're looking for.
2. Excelente resistencia a los agentes químicos
De notables resistencias respecto al agua a extraordinarias resistencias en cuanto a los agentes químicos y otros líquidos se refiere. Este sellador de poliuretano al agua posee un aguante magnífico ante la lejía, la sosa, el aceite, el vinagre o el vino, entre otros muchos.
3. Gran resistencia al desgaste por abrasión
Con una Dureza König de 200 segundos a los 14 días de curado, TopSealer WT® Dragon cuenta con muy buena resistencia a la abrasión, al tráfico y a los rasguños.
4. No se pone amarillo en exteriores
De la misma manera que nos enorgullece la versatilidad de nuestros sistemas de microcemento, que pueden ser aplicados al aire libre, nuestros selladores no se quedan atrás. En este sentido, TopSealer WT® Dragon no se pone amarillo bajo la acción de la luz solar, conformando así una excelente opción como sellador en exteriores.

Where to use the water-based polyurethane varnish TopSealer® WT Dragon
En términos generales, TopSealer WT® Dragon presenta una alta compatibilidad con una variedad de soportes. Como hemos especificado anteriormente, no solo está considerado como barniz de microcemento aunque sea su función principal.
This two-component water-based polyurethane varnish, which is available in gloss, satin and matte, can be applied on all those surfaces where both a good aesthetic and protective finish is desired. In the case of wood, for example, it offers a very natural finish.
Returning to our microcement systems, which is what concerns us in these lines, TopSealer WT® Dragon is ideal for protecting all our microcement systems without exception: cement base, lime base and epoxy base.
• Impecable en áreas mojadas como baños
Si quieres ir a lo seguro en espacios expuestos al agua y a la humedad ambiental, como es el caso de los baños, TopSealer WT® Dragon es garantía de éxito. Sus mayores resistencias químicas respecto a otros barnices al agua le otorgan la delantera en este campo de uso. No te arrepentirás.
• Convenient for outdoors
Most of our varnishes are suitable for coating floors and facades exposed to solar action. However, the water-based polyurethane varnish TopSealer WT® Dragon provides an extra resistance and that's why we recommend it as the perfect sealer for the weather.
• Seguro en áreas de alto desgaste
Warehouses, offices, restaurants... all are areas that suffer from high wear and tear. Surfaces that require harder microcements, such as Industtrial (epoxy base), Natture (lime base) or Sttandard (cement base), and also more resistant sealers. TopSealer WT® Dragon is more than valid to seal and protect these areas.
How to apply the water-based polyurethane varnish TopSealer® WT Dragon
TopSealer WT® Dragon es un sellador de poliuretano a base de agua de dos componentes fácil de aplicar. Está diseñado para ser aplicado en solo dos capas y en menos tiempo que otros barnices. Puedes hacerlo con pistola, brocha o rodillo. En términos generales, estos son los pasos a seguir para sellar el revestimiento.
1. Agita el componente A del barniz
Es importante homogeneizar el producto antes de usarlo como sellador. Agita el componente A y, luego, deja reposar al menos 30 minutos.
2. Mezclar componente A con el componente B
When component A has already rested, add component B of the TopSealer® WT Dragon water-based polyurethane varnish by stirring at low revolution. The proportion of the mixture is as follows: 3 parts in kg of A for 1 part of B. Important: at an ambient temperature of 20ºC, the lifetime of this mixture is 1 hour.
3. Preparar la base antes de aplicar el barniz
Check that there are no traces of dirt, grease or dust on the surface. If so, clean. In the event that the support is deteriorated or presents damage, repair before applying our two-component water-based polyurethane sealer.
4. Aplicar dos capas de Presealer
En las superficies minerales, cementosas o microcemento aplicar dos capas de Presealer (dejando un tiempo de secado de 4h entre ellas). Dejar transcurrir un periodo de 12h.
5. Sellar con dos manos de TopSealer ® WT Dragon
Once the mandatory 12 hours of drying have been met, seal definitively with our TopSealer® WT Dragon. The drying hours between layers will range from a minimum of 12h to a maximum of 24h. Only the first layer will need to be sanded with 400 grit sandpaper.
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