Topciment recibe el sello de PYME INNOVADORA
El compromiso firme con la investigación, desarrollo e innovación de Topciment en el sector de los revestimientos decorativos ha sido reconocido por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España, que nos ha otorgado el sello de PYME INNOVADORA. Un compromiso materializado en el proyecto "Investigación y Desarrollo de Microcemento Higienizante con Propiedades Multifuncionales", financiado por el CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial) y con nºIDI-20200482.
Una decisión que nos complace profundamente ya que destaca la gran inversión en I+D+I que hemos estado realizando en los últimos años para ofrecer a nuestros clientes productos de valor agregado y a la vanguardia.
This seal, which we obtained for the first time, endorses the hard work of the Topciment laboratory team in the design of new formulations. Formulations thanks to which we have exponentially improved the performance of our coatings.

An award to our effort that highlights the construction of a modern factory with an area of more than 4,000 square meters. A unique facility at the national level and in which machines with the most advanced technologies on the market have been incorporated to accelerate processes.
Being an INNOVATIVE SME from today validates our conviction that reducing the ecological footprint is everyone's responsibility. A goal to which Topciment contributes by manufacturing all microcements and decorative coatings with natural materials and raw materials. A factor that has been crucial to receive this distinction.
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