¿Cuánto cuesta el concreto estampado? Precio por m2 en 2024
Elconcreto estampadoit has gained popularity in recent years thanks to the excellent results achieved with its application outdoors. Its versatility, resistance and ability to achieve aesthetic finishes make it an ideal construction material for covering both vertical and horizontal surfaces.
Its high performance allows it to pave all types of spaces. It is an ideal complement to give your own style to terraces, porches, concrete patios or garden floors. It is a perfect ally to create beautiful architectural landscapes, thanks to its flexibility in design. But, what is the price of imprinted concrete?.
In this post we are going to present you everything that can contribute and detail the factors that determine how much the square meter of imprinted concrete is worth.
Precio m2 de concreto estampado
The appeal of stamped concrete is due to its excellent durability and the wide variety of finishes it offers. It achieves pavements with the appearance of stone, cobblestones, slate or wood. The great diversity of molds and colors allows each project to be customized to the maximum. On many occasions with a simple addition of color, different decorations can be achieved.
This construction material can satisfy the most demanding tastes, leading to its use in public parks, shopping centers, sidewalks, buildings, garages, airports or industrial estates, among others. In any case, only a professional applicator or a company specialized in the realization of imprinted concrete will be able to accurately determine the price of imprinted concrete per square meter.
At this point, it's time to know what factors will determine the cost of a project in which imprinted concrete will be paved.

10 factores que determinan el precio del concreto estampado
The final price of the application of imprinted concrete can vary depending on different factors. When paving a floor, a facade, a park, a sidewalk or any outdoor space, you have to take into account the dimensions of the surface, the complexity of the work, the type of mold or the condition of the support before getting down to work.
Next, we show you the factors that directly affect the price of imprinted concrete and that will be present in any paving project. Take note!.
1. Estado del soporte
The previous state of the surface conditions the price of the imprinted concrete. If it is necessary to sanitize the support or compact it more, the cost will be higher. The type of subsoil must also be taken into account. If it is a soil that has moisture, a plastic must be put to prevent it from passing through. The performance of tasks prior to paving, increases the final price of the project.
Para lograr una correcta aplicación del concreto estampado, es necesario que el soporte esté en buenas condiciones antes de pavimentar. La superficie tiene que estar bien nivelada y compactada, ya que es un factor decisivo para garantizar la durabilidad del pavimento.
The support must be consolidated and free of paints and greases. This means that we need a base without any layer of soil, or superficial roots.
2. Dimensión de la superficie
La forma más común de obtener el precio del concreto estampado es por m2. Una mayor cantidad de metros cuadrados implica más cantidad de materiales, pero hay que tener en cuenta que en grandes proyectos el profesional tiene un margen mayor para bajar el precio. A más metros, resulta más económico porque se aprovecha más el material.
En áreas con muchos metros cuadrados, la aplicación del concreto estampado es más efectiva y fácil, ya que se trata de superficies con una mayor planimetría. Esta ventaja es especialmente relevante en terrenos de gran extensión. En grandes superficies es muy recomendable emplear el concreto estampado, dado su fácil aplicación y que permite rentabilizar al máximo su precio.
3. Complejidad de la obra de concreto estampado
The complexity of the work is another determining factor when calculating the price of imprinted concrete. We should not venture to answer how much imprinted concrete costs per square meter without first having very clear the peculiarities of the terrain. If the surface has level changes, curves or slopes, it is likely that the cost of labor will be higher. We must also bear in mind the evacuation of water.
4. Superficie a revestir con concreto estampado
The surface that is going to be paved plays a decisive role that affects another of the factors that influence the price of imprinted concrete. Beyond the state of the support or the number of square meters, the price of imprinted concrete can vary depending on the surface. The conditions of each pavement are different and on many occasions they need a different treatment.

Pavimento de concreto estampado para albercas
Cada vez más personas optan por el concreto estampado para pavimentar el área alrededor de la piscina. A nivel decorativo es una idea perfecta para crear un ambiente elegante. En piscinas y rampas de garajes, la superficie de concreto estampado debe ser tratada con un barniz especial antideslizante, lo que implicará un aumento en el precio. Este tratamiento permite aumentar la seguridad en estas áreas y prevenir caídas.
Concreto estampado vertical
Construction techniques are constantly evolving and vertical imprinted concrete is the best example. In this case, it is an application on vertical surfaces, such as walls and facades. Vertical imprinted concrete is more expensive because its application on walls or facades is more costly than on floors.
The products used in the vertical system are usually more expensive and, in addition, the yields of the products are higher. That is, a larger amount of material is needed to carry out the application.
In the printed one, the powder release agent is used and in the vertical one, the liquid release agent is used, a non-pigmented product made from non-stick materials, which is more expensive.
5. Tipo de molde y la influencia en el precio del concreto estampado
The decoration of imprinted concrete is one of its most interesting features, as it is a customizable product through molds. Precisely the type of mold is another important factor to calculate how much an application of imprinted concrete costs.
Por lo general, cuanto más peso y más relieve tenga, más caro será. El precio del concreto estampado también puede ser mayor si queremos patrones geométricos o formas decorativas muy específicas. No tendrá el mismo costo un proyecto donde se usa un patrón decorativo único a uno donde se combinan diferentes formas, texturas y colores.
En este sentido, los moldes de manta son muy delgados y apenas tienen relieve, por lo que resultará más económico. Sin embargo, losmoldes impresos for the imitation of stone, slate or wood are more expensive because they have more relief and the thickness is greater.
To achieve the desired finish, you have to use the type of mold that provides the appropriate texture. The most engraved textures are usually used on ramps.
Concreto estampado madera
El concreto estampado en madera requiere de un molde específico para crear un efecto realista de la madera natural. Como hemos detallado anteriormente, es un molde más caro que aquellos que ofrecen un fino espesor. El precio del concreto estampado madera puede variar según la empresa, la cantidad de metros cuadrados, la maquinaria que se va a emplear, la mano de obra, la zona geográfica o el tipo de acabado que se desea lograr.
The wood effect imprinted concrete is created through a special stamping and texturing process. A hardening mold is applied over the fresh concrete to achieve the look of wood on the surface. It is used in patios, garages, terraces, and parks, among others.
Está diseñado para lograr un acabado estético sin necesidad de cortar árboles. Combina la elegancia con el valor ecológico.
Es una buena alternativa a la madera, ya que es un material que sí se puede aplicar en exteriores y no se desgasta con facilidad. Genera un acabado estético único sobre el que se puede circular y que tiene una elevada resistencia frente a los golpes.

6. Estilo decorativo
Generalmente los elementos decorativos influyen de forma significativa en el precio del concreto estampado. No es lo mismo pavimentar el suelo o la pared con un patrón decorativo simple, que optar por un diseño con diferentes bordes y formas. A mayor nivel de personalización, mayor costo.
If you opt for total customization with two or three different colors and a variety of shapes, the cost will increase significantly. The high customization offered by imprinted concrete also requires more working hours, especially if we want everything from geometric patterns to logos or images.
The installation or use of some type of border is also an important factor when defining the price of imprinted concrete per square meter. This ornament with repeated drawings implies a higher labor cost. This type of ornament is not always used, but it is important for finishing application jobs on the street. You can also place a white imprinted concrete that imitates light stones, something especially used on the edges of swimming pools.
La mejor receta es ponerse en manos de profesionales contrastados y que tengan máximo conocimiento de los moldes. Una ejecución de calidad requiere de manos expertas.
7. La variedad de colores para determinar el precio del concreto estampado
The variety of colors that stamped concrete allows contributes to the high level of customization that this construction material offers. Obviously, if you use more than one color the price will be higher. The shade of the color also influences. The stamped concrete mortar is more expensive if the color is lighter, as more material is needed. Darker shades are more economical.
8. Tipo de barniz para proteger la superficie de concreto estampado
The type of sealant varnish or resin used to waterproof and protect the surface of imprinted concrete is also a factor to consider when calculating how much a square meter of imprinted concrete costs. Generally, water-based varnish is cheaper than solvent-based varnish.
9. Climatología, un factor clave en el precio del concreto estampado
The climate of the area is a factor that must always be taken into account. If the paving is done in places with very low temperatures, it is necessary to resort to a special concrete that is additive. This additive is more expensive. On the other hand, if the environmental conditions are adverse, the application must be suspended, which will extend the working time.
10. Limitaciones en el acceso al área de trabajo
Si se va a aplicar concreto estampado en una casa donde no puede entrar la mezcladora de concreto, será necesario contratar maquinaria adicional, lo que se traduce en un aumento del costo. Antes de empezar la pavimentación del suelo, la fachada o la zona cercana de la alberca hay que tener en cuenta todos los inconvenientes que puede presentar el espacio de trabajo.

¿Cuánto cuesta reparar una superficie de concreto estampado?
There are a number of mistakes in the application or improper use of imprinted concrete that can increase its price. Bad practices cause defects in the coating to appear over time.
El costo de la reparación dependerá de la magnitud del problema. El mejor método de prevención de problemas es recurrir a profesionales que estén especializados en la aplicación de este material.
This way, difficulties such as the deterioration of the resin are avoided, which usually occurs because it was applied when the concrete was still very wet. As a result of this poor application, white spots will appear on the pavement. These spots can also arise if an excessively thick layer was applied at the time.
The correct application of the material, but above all the correct preparation of the support prevents the appearance of cracks and fissures. In this case, poor ground settlement due to lack of material thickness will require surface repair.
Respecting drying times, taking into account environmental conditions, and using the right material for the application is the best way to avoid future problems and, incidentally, avoid a price increase over time.
En definitiva, si hay que reparar el revestimiento por alguna de las causas recién mencionadas, el precio del concreto estampado se disparará. Teniendo en cuenta esto, vamos a estipular un rango del costo por metro cuadrado aproximado según la zona geográfica.
En México el precio del concreto estampado varía en función de la zona, oscilando desde los 40 hasta los 100 euros. En Italia el precio medio del concreto estampado se mueve en torno a los 40 euros. En Francia el coste oscila entre los 60 y 100 por metro cuadrado, mientras que en Alemania el precio del concreto estampado se encuentra entre los 50 y 60 euros por metros cuadrado.