Moldes de concreto estampado: tipos, diferencias y los más elegidos
The molds of concreto estampadoson plantillas que se utilizan para decorar superficies que son revestidas con este material con la forma que se prefiera, ya que podemos elegir entre una gran colección.
These molds adapt perfectly to any type of area. Thus, they can be used both on floors, as well as on walls or facades, so that each one has the desired appearance, regardless of its location.
Due to the material's resistance and the large number of finishes that can be obtained, thanks to the molds, it is very common to find this compound in high-traffic public places, regardless of whether they are outdoors, such as squares, sidewalks, pools or large terraces.
With these molds, you can reproduce many different types of textures, such as cobblestones, tiles, natural stone, wood, among others, but always counting on a material with very high resistance. The wooden mold is usually very successful because with each print it fills every square inch with elegance and a rustic style that is very authentic.
En definitiva, con los moldes de concreto estampado se puede reemplazar a otros materiales convencionales, para dar a pavimentos y muros un aspecto diferente.

Principales características de los moldes de concreto estampado
En primer lugar, losmoldes de concreto estampado they must have a certain thickness so that when applied to the surface and the material, it leaves a correct marking so that the finishes have a long durability.
En segundo lugar, es muy importante que su peso esté balanceado para que los profesionales puedan manejar los moldes con soltura y, así, puedan lograr la apariencia buscada en cada superficie.
En tercer lugar, es fundamental que todas las piezas de un sistema de diseño con moldes de concreto estampado encajen a la perfección, para que se respete la coherencia estética del acabado en general.
En cuarto lugar, las asas de los moldes deberán de ajustarse para facilitar el trabajo de los profesionales y, sobre todo, para que cada impresión que realicen sea idéntica a la anterior.
Ventajas de usar moldes de concreto estampado
Next, we are going to detail some of the advantages of using imprinted concrete molds on any surface.
Diversity of designs
These molds represent a great decorative resource for those who want to achieve completely different finishes and textures. In fact, you can also make molds to the buyer's liking for those people who want to reach the highest level of personalization of spaces, decoratively and constructively speaking.
Minimum execution times
Architecturally, it's always an advantage to use on-site mortars. This significantly reduces execution times. However, depending on the chosen mold, times can vary and increase.
Menor precio
Compared to other molds in the construction sector, those of imprinted concrete are much more affordable than more traditional ones, which will reduce the final amount of the budget.
Limita el crecimiento de hierba mala
Using a material like this, it prevents weeds from making their way and displacing the surface on which the imprinted concrete molds are placed on top. In case of using ceramic, cobblestones and stones, the roots and weeds can grow between the joints and, the water, can displace the pieces.
Pocos cuidados para una larga vida útil
To preserve the imprinted concrete, once applied, no major care is needed. These should be applied when the work is being done. Almost exclusively, this only suffers from the wear and tear produced by vehicles passing over it. In this case, it will be enough to apply a layer of sealant. Thus, we have a material with great durability.
Daños ocasionales
The imprinted concrete is a material that is not, at all, easy to break or shatter. In fact, when it suffers a great impact, the most common thing is that only a mark remains; and for this to stay, it has to be a very strong blow with a blunt object.

The big differences between rigid and flexible molds
Como se trata de moldes que son producidos con materiales diferentes, el gran factor diferencial entre ambos tipos de moldes es, precisamente, la rigidez que presentan, lo que va a condicionar la forma de usar cada uno.
This is where the biggest difference lies, with the works done with flexible molds being much more bearable. On the other hand, rigid or semi-rigid molds support more weight, and have handles to handle them firmly in a simpler way.
Otra gran diferencia es que los moldes flexibles se utilizan en trabajos donde el espacio puede limitar el trabajo en sí ya que estos ofrecen una mayor maniobrabilidad. Este tipo de moldes se pueden doblar en espacios pequeños y, aunque resisten menos, también pueden golpearse. Los moldes flexibles son los más indicados para marcar huecos de esquinas, uniones entre cenefas y trabajos cercanos a fachadas.
Types of imprinted concrete molds: total adaptation to taste
The level of customization of a surface depends on the types of existing molds, so that any area can be renovated or created with imprinted concrete. Thus, there are molds for floors, for walls and imitation wood.
Moldes de concreto estampado para pisos
These are the most used molds for imprinted concrete since pavements are usually the surfaces that are most often renovated using this material. This is because they are surfaces exposed to a lot of traffic and, consequently, to wear and tear.
Our range of floor molds consists of 13 different collections with designs that adapt to any taste. Thus, we have molds in the shape of a fan, cobblestone, brick, stone, road, slab, border shapes, circular, with the texture of a blanket, among others. The use of each and every one of these must occur when the material is fresh.
Moldes de concreto impreso verticales
In this case, these types of molds are for applying on walls or facades. The size of the molds to apply on these vertical orientation surfaces is usually smaller, not exceeding 80 cm in length.
Para decorar cualquier área, contamos con una línea de moldes para superficies verticales en las que los acabados en piedra, ladrillo o pizarra siempre aportan un toque de naturalidad.
Moldes de concreto estampado imitación madera
El concreto estampado es sin duda la mejor manera de reemplazar la madera natural. El mismo acabado de madera se puede lograr de una manera más sostenible (evitando talar la madera) con nuestros moldes de concreto estampados con imitación de madera. Pero también más rápido, más barato y, sobre todo, creando formas nuevas que son más duraderas en el tiempo.
Con nuestros moldes de concreto estampado con imitación de madera, no solo imitamos a la perfección la belleza y el aspecto de la madera, sino que también se pueden aplicar a casi cualquier superficie interior o exterior.

The release agent and the stamped concrete, always together
El desmoldante, en polvo o líquido, es un producto esencial al momento de hacer una obra con moldes y concreto estampado ya que su función es muy importante ya que evitará que el molde se pegue al concreto.
You can choose between different release agent color tones among which we can choose a shade similar to cement or another that evokes other types of effects.
Tips for applying liquid release agent on the mold
Primero, para aplicar Desmocem Liquid, debes rociarlo sobre el molde impreso y la superficie que se va a trabajar. Luego, debes imprimir aplicando un poco de presión y retirar la pieza que ya se ha usado. En tercer lugar, aplicamos el producto, con brocha, rodillo o rociador. Siempre y cuando se haga con esta última herramienta, debes mantener una distancia de entre 30 y 40 cm de separación. Finalmente, debes cubrir el área formando una película uniforme en la que no existan charcos o capas muy gruesas.
As advice, we will say that to apply this water-insoluble product, the ambient temperature should be between 5ºC and 30ºC and try not to have excessive wind. If temperatures are above 30ºC, there is a risk that the solvent will evaporate. If this happens, the release agent would have to be applied again.
Tips for applying the release agent powder on the mold
Before applying the mold, you have to sprinkle the Demoscem® Powder release agent on the surface. Once we do, we put the mold to print and apply some pressure. We demold and remove the piece. Once the mold has been removed, we apply the product covering the surface in its entirety, at a distance of between 30 and 40 cm. Once the area is covered, we distribute the release agents so that they spread evenly.
A final warning: it is key that Desmocem® Powder applications are carried out at temperatures between 5 and 30ºC and that the wind does not blow aggressively.
Recomendaciones para comprar moldes de concreto estampado
We will start by emphasizing that the order for imprinted concrete must be supervised by the work management, which will also decide the thickness of it when applying it.
Another important issue that can lead to misunderstandings is the composition of imprinted concretes. So, which one to buy? Well, from Topciment we recommend buying imprinted concretes that do not have an excess of additives. Why? Because these, by having too many additives, prevent water from rising by capillarity and make it difficult, to the point of preventing, the grip of concrete and mortar.
Let's go with a color tip: on light-colored imprinted concrete floors it is preferable not to apply if there is an excess of water since in addition to triggering consumption (3-4 kg/ m2), resistances are also lost and the pavement is going to suffer a discoloration when drying.

Precio de los moldes de concreto estampado
As with all materials or accessories in the construction sector, the price of these will depend on many factors and, when it comes to imprinted concrete molds, it could not be otherwise.
Así, como es natural, en primera instancia dependerá del modelo que elijas y de las características del mismo. De hecho, en primera instancia las principales variables que intervienen en el precio de estos productos son las formas y su tamaño.
De esta manera, hay formas como el borde que puede resultar más económico pero, por ejemplo, el molde rosa de los vientos tiene un costo muy superior al del borde u otros modelos.
As we mentioned in the previous paragraph, the size of the molds can be definitive in their price, with the larger ones being the most expensive products.
A todo esto, decir, que el rango de precios en el que se mueven los moldes de concreto estampado es tan amplio como su catálogo de opciones. Así, teniendo tantas referencias no es de extrañar, y podemos decir que el costo va desde los 30 euros a menos de 200, aproximadamente.
This makes imprinted concrete molds a great option, both constructive and decorative, for any space, regardless of whether it is indoor or outdoor, since in our catalog you can find countless shapes, exactly, 100.
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