Microcement kitchens: benefits and most popular styles
The microcement kitchens are the preferred option of more and more renovation professionals, architects and decorators due to the multiple advantages offered by this decorative coating. A coating that guarantees unique creations to renovate a room as important as the kitchen.
One of the peculiarities of microcement in kitchens is that it can be implemented in many ways thanks to its versatility. In this way, we find kitchens with microcement on floors, walls, countertops and even sinks. A wide range of fields of use to which must be added the great variety of colors available of this material. Two factors that, together, allow to unleash creativity. Any kitchen design is possible.
Its lack of joints, which enhances the continuity and brightness of the room; gives a plus to a groundbreaking aesthetic and, above all, to a very functional kitchen. Whatever the surface coated with microcement, it ensures a good resistance to wear by abrasion, traffic and ambient humidity, among other virtues.
The finishes of kitchens with microcement are diverse, adjusting to the tastes and preferences of each individual. A coating that stands out for the ease it offers to complement the rest of the elements in the room at a decorative level. Smooth finishes, finishes with more shine, finishes with more pronounced textures, water effects, etc. Below, we detail the main benefits of a rising decorative trend.

Benefits of microcement in kitchens
The microcement in the kitchen offers numerous advantages, regardless of the surface on which this coating is used. Especially because it allows a quick renovation of the kitchen without it becoming uninhabitable, since there is no need to carry out works and, consequently, rubble and dirt generation are avoided.
A continuación te explicamos las principales cualidades para que entiendas por qué las cocinas de microcemento se han convertido en la una tendencia absoluta en las remodelaciones de cocinas de viviendas, restaurantes y hoteles.
1. Aplicar microcemento en la cocina no requiere de construcciones
When it comes to renovating a room, time is gold. Even more so when it comes to a kitchen. Since this decorative coating is compatible with practically any material, the microcement in the kitchen is applied directly to the existing surface without the need for construction. In just a few days you will have your new kitchen ready.
2. Diversity of colors in kitchens with microcement
Existe una gran variedad de colores de microcemento con los que revestir tu cocina. Desde tonalidades más neutras como el blanco, gris o negro a pigmentos más llamativos. En Topciment contamos con una completa paleta de colores para crear un entorno lleno de inspiración.
3. Las cocinas de microcemento tienen buena resistencia térmica y a los productos químicos
This coating enjoys good thermal resistance and also to household cleaning products. Two differential factors that have made microcement floors and walls fashionable in kitchens as well as kitchen countertops coated with microcement.
4. Las cocinas con microcemento pueden ser impermeables
Beyond the decorative value, for rooms like the kitchens what is sought above all is a coating that is very functional and adapts to needs. In this sense, guaranteeing a waterproof finish in a space so exposed to water and similar liquids is fundamental. Hence the microcement in kitchens is so popular. And is that with the use of varnishes and sealers designed by Topciment, kitchens with microcement can be waterproof. But not only is the support completely waterproofed, but it also provides an extra hardness. A 2 for 1 in all rule!
5. El microconcreto en cocinas puede ser antiderrapante
De la misma manera que la impermeabilidad es un valor agregado del microcemento en cocinas, su capacidad de ser también antideslizante es otra de sus grandes ventajas en comparación con otros revestimientos. Pero, en este caso, también es necesario usar el producto correcto. En Topciment hemos desarrollado Topsealer WT Anti Slip , un barniz de poliuretano a base de agua gracias al cual cualquier superficie se convierte en antideslizante. Un acabado ideal sobre todo para los pisos.

Microcemento kitchens for all styles
If there is something that characterizes this material, it is the wide range of possibilities it offers. For each decorative style, there is a perfect microcement kitchen. At Topciment we propose five different styles of microcement kitchens:
Minimalist microcement kitchens:
For those who bet on a kitchen where straight lines predominate both in furniture and in the arrangement of space. The absence of joints favors the continuity of microcement kitchens, a fundamental factor in minimalist design.
Cocinas de microcemento eclécticas:
Para las personas que, por el contrario, prefieren una cocina en la que se combinen diferentes tipos de materiales como pladur, pizarra o azulejos. En las cocinas de microcemento eclécticas se puede combinar lo tradicional con lo moderno, el lujo con la sencillez. Una combinación ganadora 100%.
Cocinas de microcemento nórdicas:
You don't need your kitchen to be huge for it to shine with its own light. The Scandinavian or Nordic style is ideal for small microcement kitchens, as it enhances the beauty of the smallest details. White tones will not only magnify the dimensions of your kitchen, but will enhance the natural light of the room.

Cocinas de microcemento industriales:
¿Prefieres una cocina con una estética más moderna, vanguardista y urbana? Te proponemos un estilo 100% industrial, cada vez más extendido en la decoración de interiores como cocinas. En las cocinas de microcemento industriales predomina la combinación de paredes y suelos de este revestimiento continuo de colores grises y negros. Un ambiente industrial que lograrás fácilmente con el empleo de Industtrial, nuestro microcemento epoxídico. Un revestimiento que ofrece una resistencia al tránsito e impermeabilidad mayores.
Rustic microcement kitchens:
Las cocinas con un estilo rústico pronunciado tienen un carácter especial. Transmiten como pocas calidez y tranquilidad, dos sensaciones muy comunes que todos buscamos en nuestro día a día. Un ambiente que se puede lograr, aunque a primera vista parezca una misión imposible, en un espacio tan ajetreado como lo es una cocina.
It's what is called "home warmth" and embraces the use of handmade materials, custom pieces, and antique objects. As well as the use of decorative coverings such as stone and wood, absolute protagonists of this trend totally opposite to minimalism.
The preconceived idea that rustic kitchens only fit in country or mountain houses is far behind. In fact, it is increasingly common to opt for this decorative style in large cities because it is a style that never goes out of fashion and that, with the use of microcement, can be accentuated even more. Do you have wooden beams on the ceiling? Apply earth-colored microcement on the pavement or white microcement on the countertop and enjoy a winning combination.

Cocina con microconcreto y madera: el dúo perfecto
Following what was previously mentioned about rustic kitchens, if there is a proposal that falls in love, it is to integrate the microcement in the kitchen if there is wood involved. Two coatings that associate wonderfully with each other and that can make a difference in the room.
And contrary to what one might think, microcement is a very warm decorative coating if it is intelligently incorporated and combined with the right coverings. As is the case with wood, one of the most suitable materials to complete microcement kitchens. The result is a warm, spacious and very pleasant room where soft finishes and enveloping shapes will be enhanced.
Microcemento en la pared de la cocina
Coating the kitchen wall with microcement allows for a great aesthetic change without investing a lot of money and time. A high-value decorative finish that brings distinction to the room for its enormous resources and textures. The finishes are almost endless.
Un material que garantiza resistencia a los impactos no deseados de objetos cotidianos así como ante la humedad ambiental. Este último factor es muy importante, ya que constituye un espacio expuesto constantemente al contacto con el agua corriente.
Un valor agregado del microcemento en la pared de la cocina que no todos los revestimientos proporcionan y que, es consecuencia en gran medida, de su uso extendido en este espacio. Una tranquilidad y seguridad que también asegura en cuanto al derrame de todo tipo de líquidos y salpicaduras. Dos cualidades a resaltar, ya que al cocinar es inevitable que los restos de comida terminen en la pared. Asimismo, es un material que aporta a la pared una excelente resistencia a manchas y rayones. Además, se puede limpiar rápida y fácilmente con agua y jabón neutro para que esté siempre en perfecto estado.

Microfino, el microcemento más recomendado para la pared de la cocina
We developed Microfino thinking about covering vertical and non-walkable surfaces, among them the kitchen wall. A microcement that is characterized by having very good resistances, both chemical and mechanical. In fact, that is why more and more customers dare to use it even on pavements. A coating with a very natural appearance and that we manufacture in three granulometries: XS, S and M. As for its composition, it is available both as two-component microcement and one-component microcement.
Cómo aplicar microconcreto en la pared de la cocina
The method of applying microcement to the kitchen wall varies depending on the coating you want to use. The most used for its properties and finish is Microfino, whose application we are going to develop now. Although we also recommend taking into account Industtrial, our new addition. A harder and waterproof epoxy microcement. If on the contrary you prefer to bet on a ready-to-use microcement, there is also the option to apply Efectto Quartz.
1. Apply fiberglass mesh (only if Microfino is used).
2. Imprimar la pared de la cocina con el promotor más adecuado.
3. Aplicar dos capas de Microbase o dos capas de Industtrial XL/Industtrial Base.
4. Aplicar dos capas de Microfino o una capa de Industtrial Medio/Industtrial Liso.
5. Aplicar dos capas de Presealer (solo si se usa Microfino)
6. Apply two coats of any varnish from the Topsealer range.

Microcemento en el piso de la cocina
The particularities of microcement on the kitchen floor are not left behind. Similarly, and depending on the composition of the material used as well as its granulometry, all kinds of finishes can be obtained. From floors with a finer, delicate and smooth appearance; to floors whose roughness is higher because a higher resistance to traffic is sought.
Aside from the aesthetic component, which is still decisive in choosing microcement for the kitchen floor, it is necessary to point out its significant benefits. Starting with the fact that it is a very durable pavement, which does not crack and requires virtually no maintenance to remain the same as the first day.
The microcement floor in the kitchen is one of the smartest options to renovate the pavement due to the high resistance it offers to the wear of time, to abrasion, to the impact of blows and to traffic. In addition, as it is applied in a minimum layer of between 2 and 3 mm, it does not excessively raise the level of the original floor and therefore there is no need to level the new support.
Microdeck e Industtrial, los microcementos más duros para el piso de la cocina
Microdeck es uno de los revestimientos más solicitados en las remodelaciones de pisos de cocina. Este microcemento de acabado ofrece una resistencia magnífica al tráfico, a los impactos y al desgaste por abrasión. Además, proporciona un acabado antideslizante sin tratamientos adicionales y puede ser aplicado con la técnica "fresco sobre fresco", ampliando así sus ya extensas posibilidades decorativas por sí mismas. M y L son sus dos granulometrías, y en cuanto a composición, es un producto disponible como microcemento monocomponente y bicomponente.
We have a more industrial and more waterproof cutting alternative than Microdeck: Industtrial. A microcement with epoxy resin that is much harder and that better withstands high traffic and wear by abrasion. Unlike other products on the market, the application layers are reduced, requiring only two coats of preparation microcement and a single finishing one. It is available in 4 granulometries and 16 colors.

Cómo aplicar microconcreto en el piso de la cocina
En cuanto al método de aplicación del microcemento en el piso de la cocina, también varía según el revestimiento elegido. Nosotros, como fabricantes, recomendamos usar Microdeck o Industtrial. Sin embargo, también se puede usar el microcemento listo para usar Efectto Quartz si se prefiere (aunque no vamos a detallar a continuación su aplicación).
1. Apply fiberglass mesh (only if Microdeck is used).
2. Imprimar la pared de la cocina con el promotor más adecuado.
3. Aplicar dos capas de Microbase o dos capas de Industtrial XL/Industtrial Base.
4. Aplicar dos capas de Microdeck o una capa de Industtrial Medio/Industtrial Liso.
5. Aplicar dos capas de Presealer (solo si se usa Microdeck).
6. Apply two coats of any varnish from the Topsealer range.
Microcemento en la encimera de la cocina
Kitchen countertops with microcement are becoming increasingly popular in part due to the resistance to abrasion and heat that this decorative coating provides. In addition, its cleaning is very simple and can be quickly adapted to any shape the countertop has.
Una encimera que es mucho más que el espacio en el que maniobrar dentro de la cocina y preparar recetas deliciosas. Renovando únicamente la cubierta, se modernizará y transformará por completo el aspecto de la cocina sin ser invasivos. Ya que no hay que reemplazarla, sino únicamente cubrirla de microcemento. El resultado será un acabado fino y elegante, con un grosor prácticamente imperceptible y que no afectará a la carga estructural del mobiliario.
There are many colors of microcement for the countertop to choose from. While with white, for example, the room is nourished with harmony, cleanliness and minimalism; gray is more suitable for a more industrial and authentic environment. Whatever the microcement countertop you have in mind, the application process is the same.

Tips para evitar problemas en las cocinas de microcemento
You have to take into account a series of factors to avoid future microcement problems such as cracks, scratches or stains. From Topciment we give you four tips to avoid problems in microcement kitchens.
1. Confía en un profesional para aplicar el microcemento en la cocina:
Only an expert can guarantee the success of the application of microcement in kitchens and prevent the material from cracking. At Topciment, we continuously train professionals in the application of our continuous coatings.
2. Opta por un microcemento de calidad para la cocina:
Not all types of microcement have the same quality and this affects the appearance of possible problems in kitchens with microcement. Topciment's decorative coatings guarantee unbeatable technical performance.
3. Protege el microconcreto en la cocina:
Although this coating is resistant, misuse can cause cracks, scratches, or stains to appear over time. At Topciment we have created a line of varnishes and specific sealers with which you can protect the microcement in kitchens. Get to know the Topsealer range.
4. Usa limpiadores especializados para las cocinas de microcemento:
La limpieza de una cocina de microcemento se puede llevar a cabo con agua y jabón neutro. Sin embargo, para preservar mejor y por más tiempo el microcemento es recomendable emplear un limpiador especializado. Con ese fin hemos fabricado la gama Ecoclean Basic.
Si necesitas más información de nuestros productos, resolver dudas de la aplicación de microcemento en cocinas o qué tipo de microcemento es el más adecuado,contacta directamente con nuestro servicio técnico especializado.
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