Finishes and textures of microcement: maximum decorative versatility
El microcementoes un recubrimiento que se obtiene como resultado de una mezcla de cemento, arena y pigmentos, que se aplica a una superficie para crear un acabado liso y resistente. Se puede aplicar a una variedad de superficies, desde madera hasta metal, y es ideal para aquellos que buscan una alternativa más duradera y resistente. Existen diferentes tipos de microcemento, y cada uno produce un acabado muy característico. Además, es un material que se puede se puede combinar con otros revestimientos o materiales para crear texturas únicas.
In addition, the strong decorative character of this material is also given by the number of colors in which it is available. Thus, we have a coating that offers us a large number of decorative options, which help it stand out from the rest of the coatings on the market.
Texturas del microconcreto: un sinfín de posibilidades
The textures of microcement are a great option to achieve an elegant and modern look "in any space. With its smooth surface, this coating is ideal for those looking for a alternative to traditional wall coverings. Unlike others, it adheres to the surface. This makes using microcement achieving the desired textures is much easier, both indoors and outdoors.
Esta es otra de las grandes ventajas decorativas de este material, su versatilidad. Se puede aplicar a una variedad de superficies, desde madera hasta metal, y en cualquier tipo de espacio o ámbito, desde el doméstico al industrial, pero siempre garantizando texturas únicas y unos acabados difíciles de conseguir con otros recubrimientos. Con una amplia gama de colores y texturas disponibles, el microcemento permite obtener una cantidad de looks fuera de lo normal, nada comparable con otros materiales. Así, con su empleo se pueden conseguir desde texturas rugosas y naturales, hasta un acabado liso. Si estás buscando una forma de darle un toque moderno a tu hogar o negocio, las texturas del microcemento son una excelente opción. Además, supone una alternativa económica y ecológica a los tradicionales revestimientos de pared con los que las posibilidades decorativas son mucho más limitadas.
Next, we are going to detail some of the textures that can be achieved with this decorative-construction material.
- Textura lisa: La textura lisa se logra al aplicar el microcemento con un rodillo. Este acabado es ideal para aquellos que buscan una superficie lisa y sin juntas.
- Textura áspera: La textura áspera se logra al aplicar el microcemento con un cepillo. Este acabado es ideal para aquellos que buscan una superficie áspera y rústica.
- Textura con relieve: La textura con relieve se logra al aplicar el microcemento con un pincel o espátula. Este acabado es ideal para aquellos que buscan una superficie con detalles.

Acabados de microcemento: opciones infinitas
As a material Here are some of the many possible finishes and textures with microcement:
Acabado pulido
The polished finish is the most popular for wall coverings. It is created by polishing the surface once the microcement has dried. This finish is ideal for those looking for a clean and modern look.
Acabado pulido y envejecido
El acabado pulido y envejecido es similar al acabado pulido, pero se logra envejeciendo la superficie con un producto químico antes de pulirla. Este acabado le da a la pared un aspecto más rústico.
The tinted microcement is achieved by mixing the microcement with pigments. This finish gives the wall coating a unique color that turns each floor or wall into a fundamental piece of the decorative system.
Its shiny and resistant surface makes it ideal for use on floors, walls and ceilings. It is also very easy to maintain and clean. It is not used as much because having such an intense shine takes away from the colors and the rest of the nuances that these may have.
The matte microcement is one of the many finish options that can be chosen when using microcement. This type of finish is characterized by its polished and sober appearance, which makes it ideal for minimalist or modern spaces. If you are looking for a way to give your home or business a refined and sophisticated appearance, matte microcement is an excellent option.

A satin finish is an ideal option for those looking for a smooth and elegant finish option. This type of finish is characterized by its appearance and its softness to the touch. Because the satin finish is very polished, it is also relatively easy to clean. The satin finish is an excellent option for those looking for an elegant alternative to waxed or shiny finishes. One of the main advantages of this type of finish is that it does not need to be waxed or polished frequently. It is also much less prone to marks and fingerprints than other types of finishes. The satin finish can be used in a wide variety of applications, including floors, walls, and countertops. It has become a popular option in both commercial and residential applications.
There are many other types of finishes and textures possible with this material. These are just some of the most popular ones. If you are interested in using microcement for your project, consult a professional to help you select the right finish and texture.
Colors of microcement: a material that adapts to your taste
The colors of the microcement do not end and, thanks to them, this material can be adapted to any taste or aesthetic trend, demonstrating once again its decorative versatility.
Thanks to its high capacity to create new colors by mixing pigments, the finishes of the surfaces that are applied with this coating are endless.
Los colores que están en tendencia
Entre todos los colores en los que el microcemento está disponible existen varios que son los más empleados en todo tipo de espacios. Así, desde albercas a recámaras, cualquier estancia o espacio es idóneo para contar en sus superficies con uno de estos colores que vamos a detallar a continuación.

El negro es un color elegante y sobrio. Esto, combinado con la textura obtenida con este tono de microcemento, permite dar un toque de sofisticación a diferentes áreas de tu casa.
If you opt for black microcement and want to apply it to the entire wall, do it in a room with high ceilings and good lighting. On the other hand, you can balance the power of black microcement by combining it with less intense tones such as white, gray or beige.
While black expresses sadness in some cultures, the application of black microcement creates a texture that gives life and personality. In addition, it combines wonderfully with small decorative pieces whose colors are lively.
Black is a very suitable color to use in living rooms or fireplaces, highlighting the latter and creating unique contrasts with the rest of the elements in the room.
Gris, hermosa versatilidad
When we talk about microcement, gray is one of the most used colors. This is simply because of its versatility and adaptability to any style, but it is undoubtedly the most used color to achieve an industrial style.
Este tono es ideal para pisos, techos y paredes, así como para escaleras y muebles. Además, gracias a la capacidad del microcemento para reflejar la luz, al unirse con este color, los espacios se llenan de luminosidad, siendo capaz de quedar ambientes mucho más agradables.
The combination of different shades of gray with each other or with other colors creates great contrasts. These tones work very well with wooden furniture, with leather or, even, with iron.

Blanco, luz y más luz
This color evokes many sensations and positive values that can be perceived when coming into visual contact with it. We talk about brightness, luminosity, and timelessness. In addition, this color is associated with cleanliness and order.
Por si fuera poco, es muy combinable con cualquier color, por lo que es ideal para realizar combinaciones en una misma estancia, siendo en cualquier de los casos una combinación ganadora.
For furniture, the finish with wood and natural fiber materials such as raffia or linen helps to increase warmth and offset the shine emitted by white microcement.
Its versatility is such that it is used both in bedrooms and in swimming pools since white adapts perfectly to any environment, as well as to the curbs or parts of the pool.
Beige, estilo y calma
The beige color is undoubtedly a serious competitor of white tones. If you want light colors for a space that is already flooded with natural light, beige microcement on the walls is one of the best alternatives to create spaces or rooms by slightly reducing the brightness.
Además, una de las ventajas de este color es que se puede combinar tanto con colores fríos como cálidos. Este color de microcemento neutro y elegante se adapta a cualquier espacio, ya sea tradicional o moderno.
This shade adapts very well to bathrooms, so, more and more, you see many tiles painted this color. This increases the warmth of the space also providing feelings of calm and tranquility. In addition, it will match any towel you have.

Arena, naturalidad y neutralidad
If before we talked about the color beige as an essential neutral color, the sand microcement is not far behind and this leads it to be one of the most used. This color, combined with other elements such as rugs, brings warmth to any space.
Además, con la textura adecuada, este color genera una armonía ambiental que se extiende por toda la casa, combinando a la perfección con otras habitaciones de colores diferentes.
The sand color can help you achieve flashy and attractive finishes that evoke a subtlety rarely seen with other colors used in the decorative sector.
Por ejemplo, en los pisos de la sala puede ser un gran acierto utilizar un color como el arena, ya que va a potenciar las cualidades decorativas de otros elementos sin perder las suyas propias.
Topciment color range: create your own shades
Arcocem es el sistema de formación de pigmentos y colores de microconcreto exclusive from Topciment. A wide collection of pigmented pastes in which we have more than 30 shades from which, unlimited decorative finishes can be achieved in indoor and outdoor spaces.
Within this variety of quite concentrated liquid colorants that are added to the microcement, we find other product lines such as Arcocem WT Basic and Arcocem WT Plus. Both are compatible with any surface: walls, floors, terraces... With Arcocem you can obtain new colors from combinations of the existing ones to renovate spaces in a quick and effective way.
En cuanto a la colección de colores de la gama Arcocem WT Basic: están el Blanco, Negro, Negro de humo, Amarillo, Amarillo Limón, Amarillo Vainilla, Rojo, Rojo Intenso, Rojo Naranja, Naranja, Azul, Verde y Magenta. Estos colores son la base para la gama de pigmentos Arcocem WT Plus.
Por otro lado, tenemos la colección de Arcocem Plus, las pastas pigmentarias de las que surgen los colores de la amplia gama cromática de Topciment. Entre todos estos destaca la escala de grises, en la cual se encuentran los colores que más demandan los usuarios y los profesionales.
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