Logo desactivador concreto Naturcem

Concrete deactivator - Naturcem

Naturcem® es un desactivador de concreto superficial positivo a base de agua. Su función principal consiste en ralentizar y retrasar de manera controlada el fraguado del concreto.

Ready to use and fully biodegradable, it delays the hydration of the cement on the surface exposed to the concrete. This concrete deactivator contributes to reducing the ecological footprint, as it is free of solvents.

Un producto que es especialmente indicado para realizar pavimentos decorativos a partir de la desactivación controlada del curado del concreto. No es necesario proteger previamente ninguna área circundante, excepto en las fachadas que estén pintadas y en las superficies porosas.

Depending on the color, the degree of attack, and the size of the aggregate, we find three types of concrete deactivators: Naturcem® Low, Naturcem® Medium, and Naturcem® High.

Descarga aquí la ficha técnica de Naturcem®

Technical features of Naturcem concrete deactivator

icono ph

3 - 5

Densidad aparente

23 ± 5%


1,03 ± 0,01g/cm3

icono de dureza

24 ± 2s (Copa Ford 4 mm)


The performance of the positive surface concrete deactivator imprinted concrete Naturcem® is 5-6 m2 /L.


El desactivador de concreto Naturcem® se presenta en envases de 5 y 25 litros.

Logo Naturcem® Low

Desactivador de concreto Naturcem® Low

As previously mentioned, our positive surface concrete deactivators are divided based on the color of the liquid, the degree of attack of each one, and the size of their aggregate.

En cuanto a Naturcem® Low, las principales características de este retardador del fraguado del concreto son:

  • El color del líquido es azul
  • Ofrece un grado de ataque 2
  • The size of your aggregate is between 5 and 8 mm
Logo Naturcem® Medium

Desactivador de concreto Naturcem® Medium

On the other hand, the particularities of the Naturcem® Medium concrete deactivator are:

  • El color del líquido es rosa
  • Garantiza un grado de ataque 4
  • Your aggregate has a size between 10 and 14 mm

It should be noted, that on-site tests under general conditions will be necessary to accurately define the exposure depth. A depth that is conditioned by the dose, the type of cement used and the outside temperature, among other factors.

Logo Naturcem® High

Desactivador de concreto Naturcem® High

Finalmente, y no menos importante, está Naturcem® High. Es el desactivador de concreto con el mayor grado de ataque y tamaño de agregado de Topciment.

Un desactivante de concreto que, al igual que sus predecesores, debe aplicarse a temperaturas ambientales y del soporte de entre 5ºC y 30ºC sin que el viento sea excesivo. Las peculiaridades de este retardante superficial positivo son:

  • Yellow is the color of the liquid
  • Proporciona un grado de ataque 5
  • El tamaño del agregado está entre 14 y 18 mm

It should be noted, that on-site tests under general conditions will be necessary to accurately define the exposure depth. A depth that is conditioned by the dose, the type of cement used and the outside temperature, among other factors.