Topciment receives the INNOVATIVE SME seal
Topciment's firm commitment to research, development and innovation in the decorative coatings sector has been recognised by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, which has awarded us the INNOVATIVE SME seal. A commitment materialised in the project "Research and Development of Hygienising Microcement with Multifunctional Properties", financed by the CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology) and with nºIDI-20200482.
A decision that pleases us deeply as it highlights the great investment in R+D+I that we have been making in recent years to offer our customers value-added products at the forefront.
This seal, which we achieved for the first time, endorses the hard work of the Topciment laboratory team in the design of new formulations. Formulations that have exponentially improved the performance of our coatings.

An award for our efforts that highlights the construction of a modern factory with a surface area of more than 4,000 square metres. A facility that is unique in Spain and in which machines with the most advanced technologies on the market have been incorporated to speed up the processes.
Becoming an INNOVATIVE SME today endorses our conviction that reducing the ecological footprint is everyone's responsibility. An objective to which Topciment contributes by manufacturing all microcements and decorative coatings with natural materials and raw materials. A factor that has been transcendental to receive this label.
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