
Decorative concrete: the coating to create unique spaces without construction

When planning a construction or renovation project, it is essential to choose the decorative coatings that best suit your particular needs. Since each space requires a different type of material.

There are many high-performance coatings, infinitely more than you can imagine. But not all are capable of creating spaces that make a difference without the need for costly works like the case of decorative cement.

A continuous coating that avoids comprehensive reforms thanks to the absence of expansion joints and its application on the support without having to remove the material. In this way, it enables a quick renovation of spaces without generating debris.

Decorative concrete in Valentino boutique in New York
Image of the luxury brand Valentino's boutique in New York, where decorative concrete is the floor and wall covering.

What is decorative concrete?

Decorative concrete is a coating on the rise due to the immense possibilities it offers to users. Thanks to its thickness of 2-3 millimeters it can be applied on a multitude of surfaces without affecting their structural load.

A material compatible with tiles, marble, plasterboard, tiles, ceramics, mosaic, and a long etcetera, which is also available in many colors. Precisely the chromatic variety of this coating makes it possible to create all kinds of environments: minimalist style, industrial style, rustic style, Nordic style, bohemian style, etc.

Changing the appearance of any room will be a matter of days. A coating that gives walls and floors a unique and avant-garde style, while providing them with resistance to traffic, wear, resistance to running water and even sunlight. That is why the use of this material has also become very requested in terraces and swimming pools, beyond interior spaces.

Decorative cement staircase in hotel
Stunning decorative concrete staircase in a luxurious hotel in China.

Advantages of decorative concrete, a potential coating

If you still have doubts about the versatility of decorative concrete, or you simply want to know more about this potential coating, we give you the keys to its success in housing and premises renovations.

1. The versatility of decorative concrete: a single material for everything

In most spaces, the combination of materials used as wall and floor coverings abounds. Whether it's parquet for the floor and plasterboard for the wall, concrete and wood, marble and tiles... Why have to think twice when it serves for both surfaces?

Very few coatings guarantee the continuity, breadth and brightness of this material. Also, you don't have to limit yourself to a single color. Choose a color range for the floor and another for the walls. You won't regret it!

2. Time and labor savings thanks to decorative cement

In these times, optimizing resources is extremely important. In the field of construction, finding materials that offer sublime finishes, functionality and also represent a saving of time and labor is the example to follow.

A saving that does not have to be at odds at all with the quality of the coating and that, in the case of decorative cement, it is clearly demonstrated that it is not inversely proportional.

3. Decorative cement: style in abundance

The possibilities of decorative concrete are endless. A coating that has come to stay and whose ability to adapt to new decorative trends makes it special. As easy as reapplying a couple of layers on the corresponding surface to give it another color, texture and finish.

In fact, different patterns and colors can be created on the same substrate so that the visual contrast is even more spectacular. A customizable coating like few others.

4. The added value of decorative cement: resistant to water and high temperatures

Decorative concrete is a coating that you won't have to worry about dents, stains or imperfections and marks that end up arising over time as a result of wear and tear. Among many of its qualities, it is worth highlighting its resistance to traffic and abrasion, which makes it a very durable material.

Its strength against high temperatures, which do not affect the pavement or coated wall, make this coating a very important option to consider for outdoor spaces such as facades, gardens and terraces. Likewise, it will not yellow under the effects of sunlight. 100% design and avant-garde creations.

And as there is no 2 without 3, it is a material resistant to running water. So it can be used without problems in bathrooms and kitchens, rooms exposed to water, or outdoors as previously mentioned. Rain or ambient humidity will not pose any problem.

5. Jointless surface and of minimal thickness

Decorative concrete results in a jointless surface. A continuous coating without extension limits and with a uniform and smooth appearance. Likewise, it does not affect the structural load of the floor or wall and the finish it offers is very uniform. This is thanks to the minimum thickness of its application layers. The result? A quick and clean renovation without construction work.

Kitchen with decorative concrete on the floor
Modern single-family home viewed from the upper floor in which decorative concrete is chosen for the kitchen floor. Fourth image

Where to apply decorative concrete? Most common uses.

The ability to transform spaces of decorative concrete, and the resistances it provides to each of the surfaces, mean that its field of application is most varied.

Next, we emphasize the three surfaces where its use is most abundant. We give you several ideas so that you can get the most out of a very recurrent coating.

Decorative cement for floors

Decorative cement for floors fits with any style. However, Mediterranean tones are making a strong impression. White, earth colors and blue provide that touch of freshness that is always appreciated in decoration.

The resistance to traffic and wear, as well as its non-slip finish, are just some of the reasons why floors coated with this material have become the decorative resource par excellence for interiors and exteriors.

Decorative cement for walls

On many occasions, walls are the great forgotten, as the pavement usually takes most of the limelight, if not all, when carrying out a reform and subsequent decoration of the space. Something that will not happen again if decorative concrete is used as wall cladding.

Because one thing is that the walls are not exposed to impacts of the magnitude of the floors, and quite another that you have to give up giving them an extra functionality. Sooner or later the appearance of the most everyday walls is diminished: small stains appear, stripes, they lose the strength and chromatic tone of the beginning, etc.

With this decorative coating, the walls will remain intact for a very, very long time. Added to the previously mentioned advantages, and to which we must add its easy cleaning and maintenance, this coating is unbeatable for use both indoors and on the facades of homes and large premises such as restaurants.

Decorative concrete for terraces

Decorative concrete terraces are the best for achieving spaces of immeasurable beauty. And also to leave in the past those times when you spent hours cleaning the dirt that was stuck to the joints of the tiles.

An alternative that without a doubt must be taken into account, since beyond the visual aspect very few coatings offer the same resistances for outdoor spaces. A terrace where a pool lined with this material can fit to continue prolonging that feeling of continuity and ensemble.

Office with decorative concrete floor
100% coworking style office with open spaces where decorative concrete has been used for the floor.

The most winter trend of decorative concrete

Contrary to what one might think, the autumn-winter period is one of the favorites for renovating homes. For this season, creating a pleasant atmosphere that conveys tranquility and comfort is of vital importance.

But the infinite possibilities for interior decoration can overwhelm anyone, we are fully aware of that. Not to mention that it is not always easy to find the material that best fits each space.

Next, we are going to develop the main trends in interior decoration that are going to be in style for the autumn-winter season. Trends in which decorative concrete is going to play an important role. Take note!

Combine textures and colors

Generating contrasts at all costs is going to be one of the main decorative trends of autumn-winter. Far behind is the trend in which we bet everything on the same color without taking risks. A uniformity that is no longer fashionable and has given way to unleash creativity. Mix. Mix. And mix.

And if there is something that decorative concrete allows, it is to generate the most diverse finishes to achieve that much desired contrast. Not only can you play with its wide variety of colors, but also with the textures.

Multifunctional spaces

We have always been accustomed to each space fulfilling a specific function. The kitchen, for cooking. The living room or lounge for gathering, relaxing, enjoying. Environments delimited by their own walls, walls and doors.

But everything in this life evolves, and decoration is no exception. One of the latest trends in interior decoration consists of creating open spaces, wider and brighter that connect with each other. Spaces that are ultimately multifunctional.

A versatility enhanced to the maximum exponent thanks to decorative concrete. A continuous coating that allows us to take full advantage of the space, whatever it may be, bringing out the best in each one.

Minimalism 2.0

Minimalism has long since arrived to stay. Society has internalized the less is more and has reflected it in the way of decorating their homes. But now this minimalism evolves and brings with it a change of concept. Continue betting on the smallest details but without giving up achieving the most welcoming space possible. Decorative concrete is one of the most recommended alternatives to carry out this style.

As for colors, the dominant trend of neutral and soft tones such as white, beige or gray, will continue to be the line to follow.

The influence of nature: sustainability above all

Wood, wicker or stone are natural materials protagonists in interior decoration. An influence of nature that also extends with the increasingly frequent use of plants around the home. Decorative concrete combines wonderfully with all these types of elements, also enhancing the power of natural light.

But if there is one element that occupies and worries, and not only in the field of decoration, it is the environment. Companies and individuals are engaged, and increasingly heading towards it, in a model that promotes reducing the ecological footprint at all costs. In this sense, there are types of this coating that are formulated with raw materials respectful of the environment.

Decorative cement bath
Original bathroom with decorative cement walls.

Microcement, the latest generation decorative cement

At Topciment we are specialists in microcement, a latest generation decorative cement for quickly refurbishing any worthy space without construction work.

We have specific systems for the surface that you want to cover and the finish you seek to obtain. Available in a wide variety of colors and applicable on indoor and outdoor floors, walls and terraces, stairs and ceilings and even for swimming pools or furniture.

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