Quality Policy of PO Business Group, SLU

Grupo Negocios PO, SLU we are a company dedicated to the design, manufacture and marketing of technical mortars, decorative coatings and complementary products, offering professional training and personalized advice to our clients.

The management is committed to complying with this Quality and Environmental Management Policy, acquiring a commitment to the requirements and needs of our customers.

This commitment is based on the following guidelines:

Innovate, manufacture and technically advise on our products

- Develop products according to market needs and trends, offering functional solutions to the sector.

- Knowing the requirements of the national and international market in which we market our products through our delegations.

- Ensure the best quality in raw materials for the manufacture of our products, maintaining fluid communication with strategic suppliers and external laboratories.

-Minimize the environmental impact during the manufacturing process and in the final product.

- To be leaders in the manufacture and distribution of technical mortars based on the experience of more than a decade developing these products

Compliance with applicable regulations

- Establish and maintain a Quality and Environmental Management System, which complies with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards and meets the needs and expectations of our customers.

-Certify our products through accredited laboratories, in the directives for CE marking.

Setting of objectives, goals and programs.

- Provide the necessary resources to achieve strategic objectives.

- Monitor them, using established indicators.

Customer satisfaction

- Understand the needs and expectations of customers, with the aim of achieving their loyalty, increasing the satisfaction of the end user.

- Respond to any possible claims that may arise from the product's manufacturing, as a way to solve the customer's and user's dissatisfaction.

- Raise awareness among our team about the importance of understanding the needs of customers, providing improvements to achieve their satisfaction.

- Market our products by offering an exclusive customer service.

Relationship with strategic and structural suppliers.

- Carry out a continuous selection and evaluation of our suppliers.

- Collaborate closely with suppliers for the development and improvement of our products.

Staff participation

- Train staff to improve their professional skills.

- Encourage the detection of risks and strengths of the processes to establish opportunities for improvement

- Promote active participation and involvement of staff.

Protection of health and integrity of staff

-Comply with current regulations on occupational risk prevention.

- Assess the risks to which workers are exposed, derived from the performance of the activity.

- Involve staff in the development of preventive activities.

Protection of the environment and its surroundings

- Research into products and processes that reduce environmental impact

-Raise awareness, train and educate staff on respect for the environment.

- Manage the selective collection of waste to facilitate its recycling

- Comply with current environmental legal regulations.

- Raise awareness, train and educate staff on respect for the environment

-Promote among external staff operating under our name, appropriate environmental behavior.

-Prevent pollution, using resources rationally, thus reducing consumption and emissions to the atmosphere.

-Manage the selective collection of waste to facilitate its recycling.

The Management of Grupo Negocios PO, SLU (TOPCIMENT) is committed to reviewing and modifying this policy on a regular basis, ensuring that all the sections outlined remain in force, that its content is consistent with the company's objectives, as well as with the expectations and needs of our customers and stakeholders.

Address November 2023 Manises (Valencia)

This document is a statement from Grupo Negocios PO, SLU (TOPCIMENT), jointly drafted with Hilván Consultores, S.L. (www.hilvanconsultores.es).