Microcement countertops: aesthetics and functionality
The excellent performance of microcement and its wide range of applications, have made this decorative coating widely used by construction professionals for all types of works.
Themicrocement floorsand themicrocement wallsthey are undoubtedly the two most widespread uses of this coating. However, it is increasingly common to observe other types of surfaces such as terraces, roofs, facades and even furniture of this innovative material.
In this regard, microcement countertops have positioned themselves as the number 1 furniture coated with this popular coating thanks to their aesthetics, functionality and wide variety of uses. Their distinctive sense of continuity, chromatic variety and the possibility of achieving different aspects and finishes have made microcement countertops a fashionable piece of furniture. Next, we are going to develop what are the main advantages of applying microcement on countertops.

Advantages of microcement countertops
When creating a countertop, the choice of material should not be limited to selecting a color or texture, as some areas such as the front of the countertop and the water area require a material that is very resistant to stains, easy to clean, and capable of withstanding abrasion.
Microcement countertops more than meet these requirements and also guarantee a series of other advantages that make this coating the perfect product to apply in kitchens, bathrooms, hotels, restaurants or cafes, among many other spaces.
1.Microcement countertops are very easy to clean
In this type of furniture, constantly exposed to dirt, comfort is above all. Microcement countertops are very easy to clean, just wipe with a cloth or mop with neutral soap and water is enough. A perfect material to prevent the proliferation of germs and bacteria on the surface.
2. Good response of the microcement countertop to humidity
Microcement countertops have a good resistance to environmental humidity and have the possibility of being waterproof if sealed with one of our polyurethane varnishes. Qualities that have skyrocketed the coating of countertops with microcement.
3. Microcement countertop for many years
Just as it happens with cleaning, the maintenance of this material is almost nil. So you will have your microcement countertop in optimal condition for a very, very long time. A differential element compared to other coatings, since when renewing spaces a material is always sought that does not need to be repaired over the years.
4. Functionality and resistance of microcement countertops
Microcement countertops are resistant to stains, cleaning products, abrasion, scratches and blows. An extraordinary functionality to which it must be added that if the microcement with which the countertop is coated is of high performance like that of Topciment, it will not crack.
5. Microcement countertops: aesthetics and variety of colors
Countertops made of microcement can be given any shape and decorative style thanks to the variety of available colors to adapt to the room in which they are located. From a more rustic and vintage style to a more avant-garde, minimalist, urban or industrial one. Among the wide range of microcement colors for countertops from Topciment are white, gray, brown or black, among many others.
Countertops with microcement where elegance and timelessness are protagonists. A very difficult natural aspect to imitate by other materials and that, in addition, is super combinable with other elements such as concrete, wood or metals.
6. The microcement can be applied over the pre-existing countertop
The quintessential quality of microcement is its ability to be applied on all types of materials: stone, tiles, ceramics, marble... Therefore, instead of building a microcement countertop from scratch, microcement can be applied on the pre-existing countertop regardless of its material except for wood. Additionally, microcement can adapt without problems to any shape the countertop has.
This advantage of microcement countertops contributes to the countertop renovation being much faster and, of course, more economical compared to other decorative coatings.

How to make a microcement countertop?
The application process of a microcement countertop will depend on the type of finish that is sought and the material that forms the base of the surface, whether it is an absorbent coating such as plasterboard, plaster, cement and sand plaster or DM, or if on the contrary it is a non-absorbent coating such as marble, terrazzo, tiles or granite.
We detail the application of microcement on countertop, step by step, depending on the result sought:
1.Place the mesh on the future microcement countertop.
The first step is to place the mesh on the surface that will serve as the base for the microcement countertop: marble, granite, plasterboard... It's super important because this will prevent cracks from appearing over time.
2. Priming of the microcement countertop
The second step in the application of microcement on a countertop involves priming, which will facilitate the union of the existing absorbent or non-absorbent coating with the new microcement countertop. For the first case, the PRIMACEM ABS adhesion promoter will be applied, and for the second, the PRIMACEM PLUS primer.
3. Apply two layers of Microbase microcement on the countertop
Next, two coats of Microbase microcement must be applied. The first layer will have to be without pigment and, after sanding, it will be the turn of a second layer of Microbase already pigmented according to the color of microcement chosen for the countertop. Then, you will have to sand again. If a stony or rustic finish is sought, after the two layers of Microbase microcement, it would have to be sealed to protect the microcement countertop first with the acrylic varnish Presealer and then with the polyurethane varnish Topsealer.
4. Apply two layers of Microfino microcement on the countertop
If instead it is sought that the microcement countertop has a marked aspect of waters or microcement Microbase steps, it will be the turn of two hands of microcement Microfino, both pigmented. It will be necessary to sand after each layer, without exception. Once the two hands of Microfino are applied, the support would be protected first with Presealer and later with Topsealer.
5. Apply two layers of Microdeck microcement on the countertop
If you prefer the microcement countertop to stand out for its natural appearance, after the two layers of Microbase, it is recommended to apply two coats of pigmented Microdeck microcement, sanding at the end. To finish, as in the two previous applications, the Presealer varnish and the Topsealer microcement sealer will have to be applied to the support.
6. Protect and seal the microcement countertop
Una vez que se hayan aplicado las dos capas de Microbase, Microfino o Microdeck, en función del acabado deseado, hay que proteger la encimera de microcemento para evitar problemas. Para sellar correctamente el mueble, son necesarias dos manos de Presealer y otras dos de Topsealer, tal y como se ha explicado con anterioridad.

Types of microcement countertops
However, it should be noted that to properly make a microcement countertop, it is essential to hire a qualified professional. Only an applicator with years of experience will avoid future problems with microcement countertops such as liquids seeping through or different stains appearing due to poor priming or sealing.
There are many countertops coated with microcement due to the multiple benefits previously mentioned. A material that stands out for its fine thickness (between 2 and 3 millimeters) that enables its wide variety of finishes and uses, as it does not affect the structural load of the surfaces.
For all these reasons, it is very common to find microcement countertops in all types of rooms.
Microcement countertop price
Only a professional will be able to determine what the price of a microcement countertop is. An amount that will fluctuate depending on the shape of the countertop, the length and meters to cover of it, the complexity of the work or the type of microcement that is applied to it.
Topciment Microcement, a professional and distinguished choice for your microcement countertop
For the renovation or design of a good microcement countertop, not just any material will do. At Topciment we are specialists and have developed the Microdeck, Microfino and Microbase microcement systems perfect for applying on any countertop due to their naturalness and delicate appearance.
The best microcement on the market that allows the creation of very exclusive designs for future microcement countertops in all types of spaces and rooms. An innovative decorative solution with a long lifespan due to its excellent durability.
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