Topciment microcement with AIDIMME tests and certification
Topciment, in its continuous process of improvement and adoption of good work methodologies, takes a step further in the certification of its products to ensure production quality to its customers and distributors.
The AIDIMME Laboratory (Metallurgical, Furniture, Wood, Packaging and Related Technological Institute), which has carried out these certification tests, is one of the best equipped in Europe, and has accumulated knowledge since 1994, when the facilities were inaugurated, to meet a growing need of companies to certify quality in manufacturing processes.
The certification tests carried out by AIDIMME consist of reproducing the conditions to which the products may be exposed and seeing how they respond. AIDIMME's laboratories are accredited by ENAC and other international entities such as ISTA.
To quantify the wear of our coatings, the resistance to abrasion is studied by the Taber method for paints and varnishes under the UNE 48 250:1992 standard, carried out with CS-17 sandpapers, with load and different abrasion cycles, simulating medium or high use.
In addition, the Shore hardness is analyzed under the UNE-EN ISO 868 standard determining penetration on the coating surface and impact resistance under the UNE EN 6272 standard - where rapid deformation is determined.
The adhesion of coatings is studied through the Lattice Cut Test under the UNE en 2409:2013 standard, thus assessing whether there is coating detachment.

The resistance to liquids is also examined under the UNE EN ISO 2813-3:2013 standard, and the resistance to chemical agents under the UNE EN 13442:2013 standard, thus demonstrating the proper use and maintenance of our developments.
Likewise, specific tests are carried out on each product according to its final application, such as determining the value of the resistance to slipping of pavements, verifying that our product is suitable for use on surfaces with a slope equal to or greater than 6% and on stairs.
Topciment, following its philosophy of offering the highest quality in all the products it manufactures, will continue with its R&D+i development work to offer innovative and high-tech demanding products thanks to constant updating and research.