Microcement in exterior: floors that make a difference
The microcement in exteriors has become the decorative continuous pavement of the moment. A coating increasingly present in the minds of architects and construction companies for its great advantages that have made it the great alternative to cover with microcement outdoor floors such as terraces, patios, porches, gardens, pools and even walls and facades.
If you are one of those who until now thought that microcement was an exclusive coating for interior decoration, when you read this article your perception will completely change and, much better. Here you will find everything you need to know about exterior microcement, an absolute rising decorative trend: advantages, price, application, finishes... Take note!

Why bet on microcement for exteriors
There are many reasons why it is a great idea to choose microcement for exteriors, whether as a wall, facade, porch coating or as a continuous outdoor pavement, the latter being the preferred option of experts.
Regardless, applying microcement outdoors guarantees the creation of incredible environments, as it forms a coating whose magnificent adherence allows its application on the most diverse supports and materials. A continuous decorative coating that combines a powerful aesthetic visually on one hand, and, on the other, functionality in capital letters.
Next, we develop the six main advantages that have popularised microcement in exteriors:
1. The microcement for exterior provides continuity
Microcement is a continuous coating that is applied directly to the existing support. That is, it does not require expansion joints. A great added value that allows outdoor microcement to blend perfectly with the rest of the architectural and decorative elements, providing that sense of continuity and harmony among all components. A continuity that can go a step further and serve the outdoor microcement as a link with the interior space of the house or premises.
2. The microcement outdoors is very resistant to traffic
The high performance of microcement remains intact outdoors. This is the case with its resistance to traffic, the main factor that has led to the microcement outdoors gaining renown as an alternative to other coatings such as natural or artificial stone, tiles, concrete or gresite, among many others.
3. Rain and heat do not affect microcement outdoors
Weather conditions are decisive in the choice by architects, decorators and other construction professionals of the materials to be used outdoors. If a quality microcement is used and it is protected and sealed with the appropriate varnishes, it will not be affected by rain and heat.

4. The microcement outdoors has antiseptic properties
Thanks to its continuity, the microcement in exterior prevents the growth of fungi, weeds or bacteria, thus obtaining an antiseptic space. In addition, it is a very easy to clean decorative coating that requires minimal maintenance and care.
5. The exterior microcement floor is non-slip
Pursuing materials that provide a non-slip finish on exterior coatings is non-negotiable. Therefore, you will be pleased to know that there are types of microcements (like Sttandard Microstone, our outdoor microcement) that have this capability and will turn the continuous outdoor microcement pavement into a completely slip-free space.
Another of the non-slip microcements for outdoors is Atlanttic, our specific two-component microcement for swimming pools. In fact, at Topciment we also have Topsealer WT Anti Slip, our water-based polyurethane varnish that turns exterior surfaces coated with microcement into non-slip.
6. The microcement for exterior is very durable
Lastly, and no less important, if there is a peculiarity that perfectly defines microcement for outdoor use, it is its durability. It is a flooring or wall cladding capable of maintaining its performance in optimal conditions despite the passage of time.
In this way, with microcement in exteriors not only is a high decoration finish, elegant and sophisticated achieved; but also a very durable coating over time, almost everlasting.

Ideas for using microcement outdoors
Microcement can be perfectly used in multiple ways in outdoor spaces. Below we give you some of the best ideas for using outdoor microcement thanks to its limitless customisation of finishes and colours. Take note!
Microcement for outdoor terraces
Microcement floors are the most common use for outdoor microcement, especially on terraces. As it is a coating capable of covering large areas like terraces in one piece, thus avoiding the accumulation of dirt. But above all for the beauty of its finishes and the wonderful resistance to water and environmental humidity that outdoor microcement presents.
Microcement for exterior in facades
Walls and facades coated with microcement offer the same benefits as pavements. And if it is also combined with an exterior microcement floor, the feeling of spaciousness will multiply exponentially. The wide customisation allows for everything from more minimalist and industrial finishes, to rougher or rustic ones.
Microcement for outdoor use in swimming pools
When building a pool, people usually resort to concrete pools. With microcement pools, you can achieve the same spectacular result with the added advantage of not having to carry out costly works. A time saving directly proportional to the saving also of the cost of labour.
Not to mention that the outdoor microcement for pools adapts perfectly to any type of space, even if your terrace is small or has complicated levels.

How much does the microcement cost outdoors?
It may give the impression that the price of microcementin the outdoors is higher than indoors. However, this perception is completely wrong. The final cost of applying microcement for outdoor and indoor depends on the same factors: state of the support (if it has dampness, if it is not stable, if it needs to be fixed, etc), the surface in square metres that needs to be covered and the difficulty of the work itself.
Only on one occasion is the price of microcement outdoors higher: in the case of pools. Why? Because its application is much more complex and requires more expensive labour.
How to correctly apply microcement outdoors
To apply microcement outdoors without problems, a series of steps must be strictly followed. Making mistakes in the process would result in a very different final finish than desired and expected. Hence, it is so important to have a trained and experienced professional.
These are the six steps to apply microcement outdoors:
1. Condition the support that is going to be coated with the outdoor microcement. Check that it is in good condition and, if not, repair it.
2. Place the fibreglass mesh on the future exterior microcement floor or wall, which will help reinforce the future continuous exterior decorative coating.
3. Prime the future exterior microcement coating with an adhesion promoter.
4. Apply two coats of base microcement for outdoors.
5. Apply two coats of finishing microcement for outdoors.
6. Seal the coating of exterior microcement with a good varnish.

Process of applying a microcement floor outdoors
The application of an exterior microcement floor is always the same. The only thing to choose is the type of microcement we want (we recommend Sttandard Microstone), and the colour.
En este caso la aplicación de un suelo de microcemento en exterior con Sttandard Microstone sería el siguiente:
- Fibreglass mesh and primer on the future exterior microcement floor.
- A layer of unpigmented Sttandard Microbase microcement.
- Apply two coats of Sttandard Microstone, our finishing microcement for outdoor floors, which are already pigmented.
- Seal and protect the exterior microcement floor. First with two coats of our water-based acrylic varnish Presealer, then with another two coats of any of our polyurethane varnishes from the Topsealer family.
Process of applying exterior microcement on walls
The application of exterior microcement on walls changes compared to that of . Instead of using Sttandard Microstone as a finishing microcement, which can also be done, we are going to focus on the case of using any of the Microfino microcements: Sttandard Microfino (two-component), Evoluttion Microfino (one-component) or Efectto Quartz Small Grain (ready to use).
In addition, unlike exterior microcement floors where a single layer of base microcement was used, to apply exterior microcement on walls a double layer will be necessary.
Process of applying exterior microcement in swimming pools
The anti-slip and waterproof nature of microcement pools, as well as their resistance to the effects of the sun, make it one of the smartest uses that can be given to outdoor microcement. As previously mentioned, its application is somewhat more complex.
Atlanttic, our exterior microcement system for swimming pools is applied in the following way:
- Before applying the exterior microcement for swimming pools, a layer of resin will be necessary. We have developed Acricem.
- Two layers of Atlanttic Aquaciment XL base microcement, the first one without pigment and the second one already pigmented.
- Two layers of Atlanttic Aquaciment M, our finishing microcement for swimming pools.
- Finally seal the exterior microcement in swimming pools with two coats of Presealer, which will waterproof the support.
Sttandard Microstone, the most resistant microcement for outdoors
It has been demonstrated that there is a wide range of microcements that can be applied in outdoor areas. The final choice for one or the other will be based, mainly, on the finish that is sought.
At Topciment, all the microcements we manufacture are high-performance. Products that meet the needs of floors or facades exposed to weather changes, among other factors. Therefore, whatever the coating that is selected, it will definitely meet the intrinsic needs when applied in outdoor areas.
Even so, we insist again on Sttandard Microstone ,designed especially to be used as outdoor microcement and, therefore, with superior resistances. And it is that Microstone offers a magnificent resistance to abrasion, traffic and temperature changes. A robust microcement, with anti-slip finish and whose appearance resembles natural stone.
As you have been able to verify, the microcement in exteriors gives a lot of play. All kinds of structures and environments can be created depending on where it is applied. So now that you know everything you need to know about outdoor microcement, what are you waiting for to start remodeling your space?
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